CategoryPro Blogging News

Do you start blogs for Passion or Money?
When I asked readers over at ProBlogger what they’d like to ask professional bloggers Hashim asked: ‘Ask them do they choose topics they personally enjoy or just what will make the most money’ Good question – I’ll ask those I interview but will answer for myself here.
Pro Blogging News

2005 Business Blogging Awards are Back
After some big problems with their voting system the Business Blogging Awards are back up and running. This time around it seems that the voting is working nicely. You can place a vote for my little site here in the Best Overall Blog category if you so desire – although ...more
Pro Blogging News

Sony Pays $25,000 a month for Gawker Blog Sponsorship
A couple of days ago we mentioned that Gawker had launched two new blogs including Lifehacker – a blog about downloading software and time saving that has been sponsored by Sony. Today Adage (subscription required) announced that that sponsorship is worth around $25,000 per month! Now that is some serious ...more
Pro Blogging News

Interview with a link spammer
The Register has an interesting article today titled Interview with a link spammer that gives an insight into the mind and methods of one of the growing number of people that seek to use yours and my blogs for their own gain: ‘So how and why do “link spammers” – ...more
Pro Blogging News

New Gawker Media Blogs Launch
Gawker Media today are releasing two new blogs (currently password protected but about to go live). They are Gridskipper, a travel related blog, and Lifehacker, a blog about software downloading and time saving. Both of these new blogs already have corporate sponsorship (Sony for Lifehacker and Cheaptickets for Gridskipper). MediaDailyNews ...more
Pro Blogging News

Making chunks of change from Blogging
There is a good basic article over at Emerging Technology – Discover Magazine about how people are making money from their blogs. Its a good summary of the emerging trend of bloggers to monetize their blogs and largely focuses upon the Adsense method and whilst most ProBloggers won’t learn much ...more
Pro Blogging News

Third Party Blogging – Charge Out Rates
Today I received another email from a company wanting to know how much I would charge to write a blog for them. It seems to be a semi regular (and increasing request that I get). I’m very interested in developing and maintaining blogs for others but am at a bit ...more
Pro Blogging News

Make Money off Your Blog
Washington Post has an article today about making money off a blog. Their tips are pretty predictable and basic and centre around Adsense, Blog ads, Affiliates, Donations and Merchandising. Nothing too new there but interesting to see another article about blogging (pro blogging at that) in a bigger news outlet. ...more
Pro Blogging News

Tell me what you want, what you really really want
ProBlogger is entering into a time of change. I’m approaching my 500th post on the blog after a few months of writing and the time has come to up the anti and take things to the next level in terms of design, content and focus. As part of this I ...more
Pro Blogging News