CategoryPro Blogging News

My new Blog HQ
I’ve been thinking recently about actually finding an office to blog out of and when I saw this wonderful photo at Brand Autopsy it was like a dream come true and I knew immediately that this is what I should be looking for in my new Blog HQ! Photo originally ...more
Pro Blogging News

Dreaming of a ‘Blog Market’
Paul is looking for bloggers that are looking for work. He’s hoping to build a stable of writers that he can match with potential clients, publishers and companies looking for bloggers. Nice idea really. I was actually dreaming (day dreaming) last night and wondering if a time is coming where ...more
Pro Blogging News

Blogging Creates ‘Experts’
I was speaking at a conference earlier today and was introduced by the host as: ‘Darren is one of the most famous bloggers on the internet and an expert in his field…’ As I listened to this introduction (and wondered how I’d be able to live up to it) two ...more
Pro Blogging News

Surfing the Wave after a Scoop
I love days like today. You get out of bed after a nice night’s sleep and the sun is shining, the birds are singing and you have a gem of a scoop waiting for you in your inbox from a reader of your blog giving you the story of the ...more
Pro Blogging News

DPB signs Blog Sponsorship Deal
Sorry that posting has been slow today but I’ve been busy negotiating an advertising deal for Digital Photography Blog. The deal has just been signed which is a great relief. I’m not yet able to publicly comment upon who the advertiser is (except to say its one of the big ...more
Pro Blogging News

Contextless ProBlogger Links
On my daily rounds of my RSS feeds I come across more articles than I can link to without spending most of my day on this blog. So I’ve decided to start doing some contextless link posts which are a collection of ProBlogger Links from around the web that have ...more
Pro Blogging News

Ask Jeeves Buys Bloglines
Napsterization breaks the big news that Ask Jeeves is buying Bloglines! The news will be announced on Monday according to the report. This is pretty big news and is just another example of how blogging and RSS technology is making it to the mainstream. The interest will now be in ...more
Pro Blogging News

Hopes of a Professional Blogger
When I asked readers at for questions for my upcoming interviews with Professional bloggers – Bobby Masteria asked: ‘Ask long time probloggers what have been their fears, hopes and expectations.’ I’ve written about my expectations and fears and now thought I’d turn to hopes. 1. Internet usage is booming. The ...more
Pro Blogging News

Fears of a Professional Blogger
When I asked readers for questions for my upcoming interviews with Professional bloggers – Bobby Masteria asked: ‘Ask long time probloggers what have been their fears, hopes and expectations.’ I previously answered the expectations part of this question – now I’ll turn to ‘fears’ Fears: I don’t really have too ...more
Pro Blogging News