CategoryPro Blogging News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
As November winds up (and plenty of you are still enjoying what’s left of the Thanksgiving weekend), Instagram continues to roll out Snapchat-style changes, we have some epiphanies courtesy of Seth Godin and Unsettle blogger Sarah Peterson, and thinking from the point of view of our customers (those of us ...more
Pro Blogging News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
Facebook Says It Found More Miscalculated Metrics | The Wall Street Journal Whoops! Three Different Ways to Name Your Blog or Website | Aliventures It’s such a big decision! And sometimes we need all the help we can get. How Often to Post on Social Media? [Proven Research from ...more
Pro Blogging News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
Well now, wasn’t that an eventful week? I don’t know about you but it’s been hard to get my head around work and usual processes when everything has been shaken up so much. Social media was in its element (both good and bad, really) with election news, but regardless of ...more
Pro Blogging News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
New emojis have given me cause to celebrate this week, as has the encouragment of early sucking – read on! The Importance of Sucking at a New Job for a Year Or Two | Ross McCammon I can’t stress the importance of this! Even if the “new job” is your ...more
Pro Blogging News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
So much to talk about this week. Twitter killing Vine! Facebook ruling the world! How to get people to care about your brand! F8 2016: It’s a Good Time to Be a Publisher on Facebook | Jon Loomer Reassuring, isn’t it?! Facebook Launches Augmented Reality Selfie Masks for Live Video ...more
Pro Blogging News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
Coming to you live from the city that spring forgot — it still feels like winter here in Melbourne but perhaps that means more time for working on our blogs and finding out what’s new in blogging and social media this week! As usual, it’s a diverse lot. 20 Unseen ...more
Pro Blogging News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
I don’t know about you but the fact we’re half way through October really freaks me out. I’m neck-deep in editorial schedules and I even wrote “2017” on a post the other day – where did this year go? As usual, the news that caught my eye this week is ...more
Pro Blogging News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
I don’t know about you, but that was the fastest week of my life – I guess it has something to do with my kid going back to school, but honestly I blinked and all of a sudden here we are on Saturday again! I took mannnnnny notes this week, ...more
Pro Blogging News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
Hello and welcome to yes another weekend roundup read! WordPress tells me this is number 41: what a lot of ground we’ve covered this year! Plenty of these articles made me ponder the state of affairs (and my blog) more than they did teach me how to blog better – ...more
Pro Blogging News