CategoryPro Blogging News

Blogs enter mainstream, eye revenue streams
This article in New York Business takes a look at two of the emerging Revenue Raising Blogging Organizations – Gawker and Weblogsinc. “Shedding their outsider status, blogs are not only entering the political and cultural mainstream, but they are also looking to become moneymaking media businesses. Two of the most ...more
Pro Blogging News

Product Blogs
Peter Davidson has a post worth reading titled Thinking About Product Blogs. ‘Many product blogs(PB) and small biz blogs(SBB) fail to define narrowly enough their audience and what they want to accomplish with their blog. Are you writing for existing customers or prospective customers? Both is the common answer. I ...more
Pro Blogging News

Three kinds of blogs – Which are best Suited to Making Money?
Seth’s Godin has an interesting post unpacking three types of blogs. He classifies them as: 1. News Blogs – Chronicling the News of the day on a variety of topics from Politics to Gadgetry to Recipies. 2. Writers Blogs – Where a writer rants, raves, monologues, writes – generally original ...more
Pro Blogging News

Blogging not leading to financial prosperity
This article in the Houston Chronicle is all about how bloggers are NOT getting rich – or anywhere near rich – from blogging. It is an interesting read – but as with so many of these articles (and they are appearing more and more) – they tend to focus upon ...more
Pro Blogging News

10 Ways To Make Money Blogging
10 Ways To Make Money Blogging is an article written by a blogger who is making a bit of money on the side of his hobby. Whilst I probably don’t see eye to on a political spectrum with John, he does speak some sense when it comes to blogging. His ...more