CategoryPro Blogging News

The Highs and Lows of the Professional Blogger
14th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 3 Comments

The Highs and Lows of the Professional Blogger

The last month has been both an exciting and difficult time for my blogging business. Whilst I’ve started numerous news blogs and seen good growth in traffic in them my more established and larger blogs have suffered from Google’s latest update and are yet to show any signs at all ...more
Pro Blogging News
What are the Ethics of using RSS feeds?
13th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 5 Comments

What are the Ethics of using RSS feeds?

I’ve been watching a site for a while now that both intrigues and concerns me – again because it is using the content of a blogs for its own personal gain – without asking permission from the publishers concerned. I’ve been wondering how to respond to this site and am ...more
Pro Blogging News
Depression News Blog Launched
11th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Depression News Blog Launched

I’m really pleased to announce a new blogging project that I’ve been working on for the past few days – Depression News – a blog that will report the latest news and information about the symptoms and treatment of Depression. It is still in beta but is at a stage ...more
Pro Blogging News
Can Blogging Produce a Passive Income?
11th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 2 Comments

Can Blogging Produce a Passive Income?

Business Opportunities points to an article over at on Passive Income that is worth a read. I think most of us would like to get to a situation where we could say our income earning is somewhat passive: ‘Passive income, on the other hand, is income that does not ...more
Pro Blogging News
Companies that Fire Bloggers
10th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Companies that Fire Bloggers

The Bloggers’ Rights Blog is compiling a list of companies that have fired, threatened, disciplined, fined or not hired people because of their blogs. I’m sure it is a list (currently of 28 companies) that will grow a little more in the years ahead.
Pro Blogging News
The Risk of Blogging a Scoop
9th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 3 Comments

The Risk of Blogging a Scoop

Apple’s recent decision to sue fan site Think Secret for publishing rumors (which look like they were too close to home) about an upcoming Apple product got me thinking this week about where I as a blogger who rights about technology would stand with regards to publishing such information. On ...more
Pro Blogging News
Breaking News Blog Collective FAQ
8th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 1 Comment

Breaking News Blog Collective FAQ

Fredrik over at CorporateBloggingBlog takes a look at our new Breaking News Blog Collective and writes: ‘I like the idea of developing the group blog concept and “collective blogging” is an interesting thought. But what on earth does medical research have to do with Jessica Simpson? Or credit cards with ...more
Pro Blogging News
Weblogs Inc announces SCM Wire
8th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Weblogs Inc announces SCM Wire

WeblogsInc have announced another blog (seems to be a weekly occurrence now) called SCM Wire which is dedicated to supply chain management. Its currently in beta but is functioning well. They describe the brief of the blog as: ‘The Supply Chain Management Blog is dedicated to reporting on and exploring ...more
Pro Blogging News
I need your help Bloggers
7th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 8 Comments

I need your help Bloggers

I need your help. Truly I do – but it won’t cost you much – in fact you’ll probably get something out of it if you do. In the next months I’ve decided to interview a number of Pro Bloggers about their blogging ventures. These are bloggers who are currently ...more
Pro Blogging News