CategoryPro Blogging News

Weighing Up the “nofollow” Attack on Comment Spam
22nd of January 2005 Darren Rowse 2 Comments

Weighing Up the “nofollow” Attack on Comment Spam

Is Google’s latest attack on Comment Spam going to hurt Bloggers as much or even more than the Spammers themselves? As I mentioned a few days ago, Google have announced a strategy for eliminating comment spam on blogs by implementing a ‘rel=”nofollow”’ tag which would cause links using the attribute ...more
Pro Blogging News
Professional Blogger Association – Some Observations
22nd of January 2005 Darren Rowse 4 Comments

Professional Blogger Association – Some Observations

I’m really happy to see the caliber of Professional Bloggers Association’s Founding Team Members – whilst some have critiqued having such an association I’m pleased that it seems to be moving ahead. They’ve named a board and voted on office bearers which is a good first step and now have ...more
Pro Blogging News
Blogathon – 24 hours of Blogging for the children of the Tsunami
Technorati Tags for Dummies
17th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 1 Comment

Technorati Tags for Dummies

Everyone is talking about Tags at the moment. With the launch of Technorati’s new Tag service it is no wonder that they are because it is a technology that has the potential to change the way we find and interact with one another’s content. Rather than rewrite what has already ...more
Pro Blogging News
Blogger asks to be removed from Bloglines
16th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 3 Comments

Blogger asks to be removed from Bloglines

Saw this interesting post over at the The Trademark Blog where he explains why he has asked Bloglines to remove his RSS feed from its service. ‘It was brought to my attention that a website named Bloglines was reproducing the Trademark Blog, surrounding it with its own frame, stripping the ...more
Pro Blogging News
Why ((Insert Occupation Here)) Should Blog
16th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Why ((Insert Occupation Here)) Should Blog

There seems to be a recent spate of articles being written that argue the case for why different occupations ‘Should Blog’. Here is just a few that I found in just a few minutes. – Why advertising, marketing and PR pros should blog – The 6 Top Reasons Marketers Should ...more
Pro Blogging News
Will Podcasting Make Money ?
16th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Will Podcasting Make Money ?

pc4media has a good post examining the question of Will Podcasting Make Money?
Pro Blogging News
Blog Ethics, Transparency and a Raging Debate over Blogging for Money
16th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Blog Ethics, Transparency and a Raging Debate over Blogging for Money

I’ve been busy the last few days preparing for and speaking at a conference so have missed the big blow up on the payment of bloggers as consultants by Howard Dean last year. The story has brokens’ Read more at Orcinusbroken recently and bloggers everywhere are having their say about ...more
Pro Blogging News
Pro Blogger’s Errors
14th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 2 Comments

Pro Blogger’s Errors

Jason has an excellent post on The Zen of Delegation which I’d highly recommend for anyone considering following Weblogs Inc’s footsteps with multiple blogs on a network. Of particular interest are the three mistakes that he’s learnt over the past year or so. These are valuable lessons, two of which ...more
Pro Blogging News