
Simple steps to a 10 minute podcast
So you want to catch the podcasting craze, eh? Not sure where to start? I found this via Nicole’s Useful Sounds blog—Eric Rice — How to build a 10 minute podcast. Very simple and straight forward. Here’s the basic plan: 00:10 date/promo/tease/banter/ad 00:20 theme music/intro 00:60 preview 00:30 ad/promo ...more

Podcast Network – Vidcast
Cameron and Mick from the Podcast Network have just put up their first vidcast to celebrate six months of podcasting. The video is interesting – they talk about some of the recent developments of their network and the pressures they are facing. Whilst they seem to be enjoying it it’s ...more

BitPass have announced a service for helping PodCasters charge for their work via a subscription – enabling a new wave of professional podcasters to hit the airwaves: ‘BitPass Unplugged is a patent-pending, powerful new service that will allow podcasters ranging from hobbyists to mainstream media organizations to introduce à-la-carte and ...more

Calacanis Podcast
Jason Calacanis has started Podcasting. Perhaps lay off on the singing next time Jason. He gives an indication that they hit a $1800 record for their Adsense ads. Then he goes on to talk about ‘Intimacy’ and blogging.

Podcast Network Sign First Sponsor – LearnDog
The Podcast Network have just announced their first sponsor – an Aussie organization named LearnDog who work with teenagers to help them to make good life choices. LearnDog’s website might be a little on the light side of information about who they are and what they do – but they ...more

Is Podcasting Viral?
Darren Barefoot has an interesting take on Podcasting and why he’s ‘Not Smoking the Podcasting Dope‘. He raises some good points which are similar to some of the concerns I’ve written previously. He writes that podcasting has a shorter tail than blogging and that its less accessible to podcasters than ...more

Do you listen to PodCasts? If so how many per week? This is the question I’m asking in my inaugural ‘Poll of the Week‘ question – see side bar to vote. You see I’m fascinated by new media like PodCasting and Vlogging – however I have a few reservations about ...more

Adam Curry to Launch Podcasting Network
Fortune reports that Adam Curry of MTV fame is planning to start up a podcasting network in the months ahead: ‘Later this winter Curry and partners plan to launch a podcasting network, offering an edited selection of the web’s best dispatches and tools for neophytes to create their own casts. ...more

Podcasting Consultants
Last night I fell asleep thinking of Podcasting – ok I know that is a twisted and screwed up thing to admit but its true. I was pondering the podcasting business model question and starting wondering what business applications podcasting could have. When it comes to blogging the business blog ...more