CategoryMindset + Motivation

Face Your Fears and Become a Better Blogger
This post is based on episode 54 of the ProBlogger podcast. This week I want to talk about fear. Not about eliminating it or ignoring it, but rather about recognising, harnessing and overcoming it so you can use it to your advantage. Whether you’re a blogger, podcaster, live streamer or ...more
Mindset + Motivation

8 Tips for Busy Bloggers – How to Make the Most of Your Time
This post is based on episode 82 of the ProBlogger podcast. Finding time to blog when you’re already juggling work, family and other commitments is one of the most common challenges bloggers face – including me. So this week I want to share eight tips and strategies you can use to ...more
Mindset + Motivation

9 Blogging Hurdles I’ve Faced as a Blogger and How I Got over Them
This post is based on episode 57 of the ProBlogger podcast. Today I want to talk about nine hurdles I’ve faced as a blogger, and how I got over them. While you may never have to deal with them all, chances are there’s at least one you’ve either faced in ...more
Mindset + Motivation

Imposter Syndrome: What It Is, and How to Overcome It
This post is based on episode 121 of the ProBlogger podcast. Today I’m going to talk about imposter syndrome. Do you ever fear you’re about to be found out? That it’s only a matter of time before everyone realizes you’re not as smart as they thought you were, or that you don’t ...more
Mindset + Motivation

How to Relaunch Your Blog After it Becomes Dormant
This post is based on episode 234 of the ProBlogger podcast. Today I want to answer a question I get regularly from listeners: How do you relaunch a blog that’s died or become dormant? I’ll lay out two scenarios for relaunching a blog, and then give you 11 things to consider ...more
Mindset + Motivation

Finding a Balance Between Family Life and Blogging Life
This post is based on episode 148 of the ProBlogger Podcast. One of the things that attracted me to blogging was the flexibility it offered. I’d be able to work and still be involved in my family and raising my kids. Before we had kids, my wife Vanessa and I planned ...more
Mindset + Motivation

How to Get Moving Again When You Feel Stuck
This post is based on episode 158 of the ProBlogger podcast. Do you ever feel stuck in your blogging or your business? I think many of us can relate to feeling paralysed at times – not just with blogging or business, but in other areas of life as well. You might ...more
Mindset + Motivation

How to Overcome Failure in Six Powerful Steps
This post is based on episode 190 of the ProBlogger podcast. Most of us don’t want to learn about failure because we don’t want to fail. But we all do. And that’s okay, because failure is an essential part of any business. If you’ve never failed then you’ve probably stayed in ...more
Mindset + Motivation

Four Realities of Blogging Every Blogger Should Know About
Does it look like other bloggers achieve success really easily? Maybe they’re content machines, pumping out great post after great post. Perhaps they’ve just launched yet another course, or have an amazingly swish new design for their blog. Or maybe they always reply to comments and emails really quickly. And ...more
Mindset + Motivation