CategoryCase Studies

Travel Blog
13th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Travel Blog

Travel Blog is one of the best ProBlogging ideas I’ve seen for a while. They offer free blogs to travellers to update with their latest travelling stories and photos. ‘Travel Blog is a collection of travel journals, diaries, stories and photos from all around the world. The journals are added ...more
Case Studies
Great Wines of North Carolina
12th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 1 Comment

Great Wines of North Carolina

Great Wines of North Carolina is another good example of a Blogger doing his thing by focussing upon a niche market. I’m not seeing too many obvious income streams on the blog – but its an interesting focus and one where he has a good change of capturing a large ...more
Case Studies
Beer Blog
9th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 4 Comments

Beer Blog

The Brew Site is an interesting commercial blog focused upon Beer (sounds like my kind of blog!). They are basing their income stream at this stage around Adsense. I’ve done a little research into beer keywords and the ads should pay reasonably well and the topic is one which should ...more
Case Studies