CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

Resources for creating a WordPress theme
Rachel’s put together a list of Useful resources for creating a WordPress theme which kicks a new series of posts for those wanting to create WordPress themes.
Blog Design

Blogsmith Blog Platform to launch in early 2007
901am has interesting news today about the blog platform (Blogsmith) behind the Weblogs Inc blog network. David reports that Blogsmith to launch in early 2007 and become available for bloggers to use. I’ve not seen the backend of Blogsmith but it will be interesting to see how it compares to ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

ecto for Windows 2.2 released
Blog desktop editor ecto for Windows 2.2 has been released. New features include: Added Flickr Search support for image upload. Added more robust data saving to guard against OS crashing. Added support for CSS style/class for image upload. Added support for generic tag format (e.g. Ultimate Tag Warrior) Added’s ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Snap Preview – Tell me What You Think
There are a number of tools that I’ve been meaning to test on my blogs over the past few months and so this weekend I’ve decided to get a few of them up and running. The first one that you’ll notice I’m testing at ProBlogger is Snap. I’ve added it ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

The Argument Against CAPTCHAs
Mark Styles has posted over at Weblog Tools a post on CAPTCHAs (wikipedia’s page on them here) which makes some good points about why they might not be the best solution for stopping comment spam on a blog. Here’s a few of his main points: Any extra work required to ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Feedburner Review
Aaron has posted a good Review of Feedburner over at his blog which might be worth a read for those looking for an RSS feed solution.
Blogging Tools and Services

Photoshop Resources – Enhance the Images on Your Blogs
I wasn’t going to mention this resource here because it’s one that I generally only mention on my Digital Photography School and Digital Camera blogs. However this afternoon I had a ProBlogger reader ask me for some online resources on using Photoshop as they were increasingly using images on their ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Technorati adds Link Count Widget
A couple of days back Technorati released a new widget that counts the number of links pointing at any given blog post. It’s called the Link Count Widget. So at the end of a post you’ll get a little link and logo like this: This is useful in that it ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

5 Essential OSX Blogging Tools
Glenn Wolsey, writer for Macguide Magazine and author of expresses his views about the top applications for blogging on the Mac. – Thanks to Glenn for this guest post. Blogging can be a hugely rewarding and satisfying hobby, or in some cases job. But it does have it’s tough ...more
Blogging Tools and Services