CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

Get your ProBlogger Blidget Here
I’ve just added the ability for readers to put a ProBlogger Widget on their blog’s sidebars using a new system called Blidgets by Widgetbox. To use my widget you can get it at Widgetbox – ProBlogger Widget or click this icon. If you use it I’d love to hear about ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

DEVONthink Pro and Scrivener – Tools for Writers
Over the last few days I’ve been playing around with a couple of writing tools for Mac OSX users that are really excellent. While they are not blogging tools specifically they do offer writers some useful resources and for larger writing projects I think both would be invaluable (although you ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

WordPress 2.1 – What You Should Know
Aaron has put together a worthwhile post for WordPress users wanting to upgrade to WP 2.1. It’s called 10 Things You should Know About WordPress 2.1 which outlines some of the new stuff that it has including auto-saving drafts, new image upload handling, new visual editor interface and merging of ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Are Your Comments Being Filtered as Spam at ProBlogger?
A number of ProBlogger readers have been emailing me of late to say that comments that they are leaving here are not appearing and that it seems they are being marked as spam incorrectly. I use Akismet and have noticed this happening a little more than normal lately. I’ve talked ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Visual PageRank Tool
Here’s a fun little tool – Visual PageRank which gives you a quick visualization of every link on any given page. So on a section of a site like my header you get this visual representation of page ranks of the links there: I’m not sure that it’s really that ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

How to Find Your Reader’s Questions and Improve Your Blog
103 bees has added a very useful tool to their search terms analysis system. Previously they enabled users to track what keywords people were using to arrive at your blog but now they’ve added questions analysis. They’ve worked out a way to tell if a search term is a question ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

WordPress 2.0.6 Upgrade Available
If you’re a WordPress blogger you’ll want to take a look at this post over at WP’s Development blog announcing an upgrade to WordPress 2.0.6. It’s a security upgrade and therefore something to pay attention to. They also note that this is the last update before the release of WP ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Email Newsletter Services – What do You Use?
I’m looking for a new email newsletter solution – does anyone have any recommendations? I’m looking for a service that will handle multiple newsletters with 15,000 or more subscribers on a weekly basis, that will be reliable, that’s not too expensive (I don’t mind paying something), that is easy to ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Google Reader adds ‘Reader Trends’
I switched from Bloglines to Google Reader a month ago and I’ve not turned back. While it did take a little getting used to I quickly found a new rhythm of blogging and am not right at home with it. Today on the Google Reader blog they announced a new ...more
Blogging Tools and Services