CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

207: Smartphone and Tablet Apps for Bloggers
Blogger Apps for Smartphone and Tablet Today, I want to take you on a tour of my iPhone and iPad, and talk about the apps I use most in my blogging and online business activities. One of the biggest changes that has happened in my blogging since I began back ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

199: A COOL TOOL To Create Professional Facebook Live Videos
A Tool to Create High Quality Live Video on Facebook This episode is presented by The Success Incubator – a brand new event I’m co-hosting this year for ProBlogger readers and online entrepreneurs. The event is happening in Dallas Texas on 24-25 October, and I’m so excited to announce that ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

197: A COOL TOOL for Creating Viral Videos for Facebook in 15 Minutes
A Free Tool to Create Videos For Your Facebook Page This episode is presented by The Success Incubator – a brand new event I’m co-hosting this year for ProBlogger readers and online entrepreneurs. Today I’m announcing 3 great speakers – Pat Flynn, Kim Garst and Andrea Vahl (more details here). ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

The “Traveler” Rules of WordPress Plugin Management
We get asked a LOT about what plugins to use, how to use them, how to fix them. We also get asked how you can make your blog look better, load faster, perform better. We’ll be answering these questions in our upcoming “Top 7 plugins for . . .” series. ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

195: How to Crush Content Planning and Promotion with One Powerful Tool
Using CoSchedule as a Blogging Tool In today’s episode, we’re going to take a deep dive into a tool we’ve been using on ProBlogger for the last 18 months that has been incredibly useful for our team both as an editorial calendar tool but also to help us with our ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

194: 5 SEO Tools for Bloggers
5 Blogger SEO Tools In today’s episode, I’ve got Jim Stewart from StewArtMedia back on the show to talk about SEO tools to help you to rank your blog higher. I had Jim on the show back in episode 94 to talk about the biggest mistakes bloggers make with SEO ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Start With a Bang – Things You can Do to Set Yourself up For Your Best Year of Blogging Yet!
There’s nothing like the dawn of a new year to get the adrenaline pumping, the motivation at DEFCON level, and the desire to do everything right like a new year’s resolution on steroids when it comes to our blogs. Maybe this is the year we get our big break if ...more
Blogging for Dollars

5 Chrome Apps I Can’t Live Without
As a blogger and social media strategist, there are a few things I absolutely would not be caught dead without. I have to keep on top of a ton of tasks in all my roles, and the faster and more efficiently I can get these done, the better! Having important ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

If You’re Seeking Fans, it’s Time to Podcast! Here’s Why.
By Colin Gray. Fans. That’s what it’s all about really. Fans are why we write blog posts. They’re why we rave about our subject – week in, week out – giving out oodles of value for the sum total of zero pennies. Whether you blog, vlog or alog (I just ...more
Blogging Tools and Services