CategoryBlogging Tools and Services

Everything You Need to Import and Display RSS Feeds with WordPress
3rd of December 2010 Guest Blogger 37 Comments

Everything You Need to Import and Display RSS Feeds with WordPress

WordPress makes it super-easy to publish your own content, and even easier to import and display content from other great sites around the Web. Just as other people are displaying and reading your feed in their apps and devices, you can use external RSS feeds to supplement and strengthen your ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
How to Ajaxify Your WordPress Site
19th of November 2010 Guest Blogger 20 Comments

How to Ajaxify Your WordPress Site

This guest post is by Jeff Starr, co-author of the book Digging into WordPress. Injecting a dose of Ajax into your WordPress-powered site is an excellent way to enhance functionality and streamline the user experience. Without touching a line of code, you can harness the power of Ajax to boost ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Awesome WordPress Plugins to Empower Your Visitors
3rd of November 2010 Guest Blogger 31 Comments

Awesome WordPress Plugins to Empower Your Visitors

This guest post is by Jeff Starr, co-author of the book Digging into WordPress. Helping your visitors get the most out of your site benefits everyone. Visitors get more relevant and useful content, and you enjoy better statistics and more exposure. Unfortunately the game is set up to keep people ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
5 Tools I Am Willing to Pay for [And Recommend] to Improve My Blogs
29th of July 2010 Darren Rowse 81 Comments

5 Tools I Am Willing to Pay for [And Recommend] to Improve My Blogs

One of the great things about blogging is that it is very accessible to anyone with internet access. There are some fantastic tools around that are completely free that mean you can have a blog up and running within minutes of deciding to start a blog. Free tools range from ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Wibiya Toolbar [First Impression Review]
27th of May 2010 Darren Rowse 69 Comments

Wibiya Toolbar [First Impression Review]

Over the last week I’ve been trialling the Wibiya Toolbar on my photography blog. For those of you unfamiliar with it it is a little toolbar that appears at the bottom of the browser of those who visit your blog which allows them to do a variety of tasks. You ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
ProBlogger Readable on Mobiles
20th of December 2009 Darren Rowse 49 Comments

ProBlogger Readable on Mobiles

One of the most requested featured by readers here at ProBlogger has been for the option to view this site more easily on a mobile device (at least some). In the last few days we’ve added the WPtouch plugin to both ProBlogger and DPS. I hope that this will enable ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
How To Run Subscriber-Only Competitions on Your Blog
23rd of November 2009 Darren Rowse 56 Comments

How To Run Subscriber-Only Competitions on Your Blog

A Guest Post by David Cleland from TotalApps. In 2006 I proudly started my first blog, DigMo! It was technology, it was creativity, it was music and it was education. Despite it being a bit of blog soup I was pleased at how quick the site grew but within a ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Speech Recognition for Bloggers – The Ultimate Guide
21st of November 2009 Darren Rowse 95 Comments

Speech Recognition for Bloggers – The Ultimate Guide

Speech recognition technology has come a long way in the last few years – in this in depth, informative and inspiring video which Jon Morrow (Associate Editor of Copyblogger and Co-founder of Partnering Profits) shares his first hand insights into speech recognition for bloggers. Jon does all of his blogging ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
How to Use Apture
19th of October 2009 Darren Rowse 76 Comments

How to Use Apture

By Mary Jaksch of Goodlife Zen. Do you want to create posts that sparkle, dance, enthral, touch the heart, and inform? Do you want your blog to stand out, and subscribers to scramble in at the door? Then I suggest you check out what the New York Times, Reuters, the ...more
Blogging Tools and Services