CategoryBlogging for Dollars

20th of April 2015 Jerry Low 49 Comments

Make Money Blogging for Real: 3 Must-Know Factors

This is a guest contribution from Jerry Low. Most people have heard of the success of Perez Hilton’s blog and that he makes somewhere between $200,000 to $400,000 each month blogging about the latest celebrity gossip. Success stories like Hilton’s might make the prospect of earning a fortune blogging seem ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Tips for starting your first ecourse :
15th of April 2015 Stacey Roberts 31 Comments

Tips for Creating Your First eCourse

There’s a reason you’re seeing an influx of ecourses in the blogosphere of late – it’s a fantastic way to share to a higher (and sometimes more concentrated) degree your talents and knowledge. If you have a niche blog, then there’s a good chance you can come up with an ...more
Blogging for Dollars
5 Advanced techniques to Monetize Your Blog on
11th of March 2015 Guest Blogger 82 Comments

5 Advanced Techniques I Use To Make Money On My Blog

  This is a guest contribution from blogger Erin Bender from Travel With Bender.  Similar to the background story of many bloggers, my blog was born into this world because a friend asked me to write one. In 2012 I commenced a worldwide open-ended nomadic adventure with my husband and ...more
Blogging for Dollars
2nd of March 2015 Stacey Roberts 22 Comments

Top Tips for Getting the Most out of Monetizing Brand/Blog Relationships

Working with brands on blogs is big business, and for one blogger making a full time living through advertising and sponsorships, there are 100 more who’d like to. Louisa Claire has been blogging for nine years and runs Brand Meets Blog, where she connect brands with bloggers and trains bloggers on ...more
Blogging for Dollars
22nd of January 2015 Guest Blogger Comment

Why Every Entrepreneur Must Become a Blogger

This is a guest contribution from blogger and graphic designer Luke Guy You’ve heard about this blogging stuff. You’re already making money and time isn’t on your side. Is blogging really worth it? Can afford to do it (time-wise). The answer is: Yes. Here’s why. As you know eBay, Amazon, ...more
Blogging for Dollars
5th of January 2015 Stacey Roberts 33 Comments

Email Lists: Make them a Priority in 2015 with These Tips

Last year, Luke Guy ran us through why our email open rates are nosediving, and what we can do about it. He also gave us solid tips on how to write great emails to begin with. We’re re-running this post today so you can nail your email list right from ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Selling eBooks and Digital Products on Your Blog? You Need to Know About EU VAT-MOSS
24th of December 2014 Stacey Roberts 37 Comments

Selling eBooks and Digital Products on Your Blog? You Need to Know About EU VAT-MOSS

This is a guest contribution from freelance writer Jawat Khan. Ask any professional blogger and he’ll tell you that selling eBooks, eCourses, trainings, tutorials and other forms of digital products is one of the most profitable ways of making a sustainable income from your blog. It’s not easy, of course. ...more
Blogging for Dollars
The One Secret You Need to Read to Increase Conversion Rates
9th of December 2014 Guest Blogger 12 Comments

The One Secret You Need to Read to Increase Conversion Rates

This is a guest contribution from Richard Akhmerov of Devore Agency. Have you ever thought to yourself: “Why are some internet marketers so successful, while most are just average?” Now, we can come up with a variety of excuses as to why they are more successful: a bigger list, better networking, ...more
Blogging for Dollars
What to Do BEFORE You Launch A Product On Your Blog
2nd of December 2014 Darren Rowse 14 Comments

What to Do BEFORE You Launch A Product On Your Blog

Over the last 5 years there has been a shift in the way that many bloggers try to monetise their blogs. Rather than relying upon advertising and working with brands to make money – many have started to develop their own products to sell directly to readers (whether it be ...more
Blogging for Dollars