CategoryBlogging for Dollars

21st of November 2014 Guest Blogger 33 Comments

Making The Impossible Possible: How I Created A Full Time Blogging Income With No Qualifications

This is a guest contribution from freelance writer Stacey Corrin. It was a dark day in November 2012 when I first began to blog. Rain lashed the windows of the home we’d just moved into. Removal boxes lay strewn across the floor and the cries of my newborn twins rang ...more
Blogging for Dollars
17th of November 2014 Stacey Roberts 11 Comments

Six Secrets to Six-Figure Product Launches with Jeff Goins

NOTE: We are running a free webinar with Jeff over at in two days (November 19), where he will talk about the Four Keys to Building a Powerful Audience Online. Normally the full webinars are only available to paid members of the site, but there will be a few ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Never Too Soon: Using Your Blog to Generate Sales During the Holiday Season
4th of November 2014 Guest Blogger 11 Comments

Never Too Soon: Using Your Blog to Generate Sales During the Holiday Season

Another holiday season is fast approaching, and that means websites are scrambling to ready killer campaigns (or have already launched them) that will generate North Pole-sized sales. For those fortunate enough to have a wealth of resources at their disposal, this will mean lavish advertising campaigns that will feature them ...more
Blogging for Dollars
6th of October 2014 Guest Blogger 27 Comments

How Much to Charge for Sponsored Content – is This a Question You’ve Ever Asked Yourself?

For new (and even established bloggers) there’s a cloud of mystery in the Australian blogging industry around setting advertising rates. As the community manager for Blogger Connect, one question I get asked a lot is: “how many unique views do I need before I start advertising?”. Secondly, it’s: “how much ...more
Blogging for Dollars
29th of September 2014 Darren Rowse 29 Comments

It’s been 2 Years Since I’ve Seen A Blog Training Program This Good

UPDATE: They’ve opened the doors again until Friday 5 December: Save $100 Elite Blog Academy has opened it’s doors at its introductory price of $299 until midnight on December 5th at which point it closes. Next time it becomes available it will cost $399. It has been almost two years ...more
Blogging for Dollars
How to Craft a Blog that Attracts Customers and Converts Like Crazy
10th of September 2014 Guest Blogger 40 Comments

How to Craft a Blog that Attracts Customers and Converts Like Crazy

This is a guest contribution from entrepreneur Natalie Sisson. So, you want to turn your blog into an online business? Congratulations, so does every other person with wifi. Now, I don’t mean to to bust your buns right off the get go, but if I’m being honest (and I always ...more
Blogging for Dollars
Stop Writing for Free and Launch Your Own Profitable Blog
20th of August 2014 Guest Blogger 27 Comments

Stop Writing for Free and Launch Your Own Profitable Blog

You’ve spent countless hours crafting article after article. Your articles have generated thousands of page views. You feel pretty successful in terms of exposure, but large media companies are not knocking down your door to hire you. That paying gig you have been dreaming of still seems just as far ...more
Blogging for Dollars
What You Need to Know About Your Stats if You Want to Work With Brands on Your Blog
7th of July 2014 Guest Blogger 20 Comments

What You Need to Know About Your Stats if You Want to Work With Brands on Your Blog

This is a guest contribution from Louisa Claire of Brand Meets Blog, a blogger outreach agency marrying brands with the bloggers who want to work with them. If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by last week’s Partnering with Brands theme week, this might give you just the inspiration you need… ...more
Blogging for Dollars
5th of July 2014 Stacey Roberts 22 Comments

Partnering With Brands Theme Week: Putting it All Together and Getting Started

  You have decided to work with brands on your blog to create a little income. Congratulations! You’re joining hundreds of thousands of others doing that very thing, and more than likely having a great time doing so. You’ve read all the advice, and you’re keen to get started. Let’s ...more
Blogging for Dollars