CategoryBlog News

Reading Roundup: What’s Happening in Blogging Lately?
It’s here! The first roundup for the new year. I don’t know about you, but I’m excited and motivated for a brand new year of learning, growing and enjoying my blog. Nothing like a frest start to get a fresh perspective on something we may sort of, kind of be ...more
Blog News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
Coming to you live from ProBlogger HQ, the interesting things we’ve found on the internet this week. May they help you blog better! Is Blogging Finally Dead? // Blog Tyrant I know. We’ve even talked about it too. And Dooce said she was over it. And then Mia Freedman jumped ...more
Blog News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
Plenty of stuff in here today to get you thinking! I’d love to hear your thoughts – let’s chat in the comments cos I seem to have a lot of opinions today! 11 Authors’ Strategies for Overcoming Writer’s Block // Mashable Ah, it happens to the best of us. Nothing a ...more
Blog News

Building a Better Blog: Help Us Help You With the 2015 ProBlogger Census
It has been a massive year here at ProBlogger HQ – behind the scenes we’ve been working hard on a number of new things including: Adding to our team – in addition to having Stacey Roberts come on as our editor almost two years ago I’ve more recently brought Laney ...more
Blog News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
Think Reddit is a Productivity Killer? Here are 9 Subreddits That Will Help Your Career // Hootsuite You don’t need to tell me twice Reddit is required reading! Bookmarked nearly all of these pages. How to Create a Fan Content Campaign in 7 Easy Steps // Social Media Examiner Crowdsourced ...more
Blog News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?
It’s Saturday here in Oz, so that must mean reading roundup day (and Halloween)! Enjoy/Boo. The Thumb is In Charge // Facebook If you’ve ever doubted that mobile is the future (who would really, though?!), Facebook has undertaken some research that squarely places mobile in the “you better get on ...more
Blog News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately
Your weekly links are coming hot off the heels of the annual ProBlogger Team retreat, where we get together for a couple of days to brainstorm where we’re at and where we’re going with ProBlogger. I always leave with so many ideas and so much motivation to bring you the ...more
Blog News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately
Hello again! How did you go with the last roundup? Change up your Instagram? Get a new plugin? I hope this week’s is just as useful. How to Build a Small but Mighty Team for Your Blog and Business // Amy Porterfield I love this guest post at Amy’s site ...more
Blog News

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately
It’s the weekend again (with bonus school holidays for some!) and the wrap-up of blogging goodies online. No matter how much I think I’ve read on a topic, there’s always something I learn, or a new perspective to take that I haven’t explored yet. How to Boost Your Engagement with ...more
Blog News