CategoryBlog News

Blogs – Diamonds in the Rough
Richard Zwicky writes that ‘Blogs are Diamonds in the Rough Blogs are a potential diamond in the rough for your businesses marketing effots. The material posted on an ongoing basis to blogs are a veritable gold mine of insights for readers, provided by business leaders, market leaders, innovators, philosophers, marketers, ...more
Blog News

The Impact of Blogs on PR
Steve from Micro Persuasion has kindly posted a presentation he did on the Impact of Blogs on PR. It is a well thought out presentation that covers the basics through to some good conclusions on the topic – complete with powerpoint slides and audio. ‘Bloggers are the leading force of ...more
Blog News

Blogs and Newspapers – Command Post
The Command Post did a talk to editors of Associate Press newspapers recently and put the content of what he said up online – its well worth the read. ‘Here’s the lesson from Command Post: information in general, and news in particular, is now a flow, and not a stock. ...more
Blog News

Gawker Targets Males with New Blogs
ProBlogger Nick Denton from Gawker has just announced three new blogs: – Jalopnik a blog about Cars – Kotaku a blog about Video Games – Screehead a blog about “funny shit.” The blogs unashamedly are targeting a young male readership – a smart strategic move from Gawker who has obviously ...more
Blog News

Blogging Sells, and Sells Out
“By most accounts, blogs — web logs to the uninitiated — scored a major coup last week when CBS News admitted that it couldn’t vouch for the authenticity of memos supposedly written by George W. Bush’s commander in the Texas Air National Guard. The conservative bloggers who led the charge ...more
Blog News

Advertisers Beware: Blog-Fortified “Copy Cops” at Your Doorstep
Media Daily News has a fascinating article on the rise of blogging and the implications for Advertisers. They give some interesting tips to marketers and brand managers on how to stay three steps ahead of us blogging types. ‘Blog and bloggers have made a huge mark in 2004, and this ...more
Blog News