
Fastclick Reviewed – Advertising suitable for high traffic Blogs
11th of November 2004 Darren Rowse 5 Comments

Fastclick Reviewed – Advertising suitable for high traffic Blogs

Fastclick is a revenue stream that will be suitable for some highly trafficked blogs. We trailed it recently on our Olympics blog and found that with the levels of traffic that we generated at the height of the games that it out performed all other revenue streams on the site ...more
TypePad Blogs to get Contextual Advertising
10th of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

TypePad Blogs to get Contextual Advertising

Kanoodle and Six Apart (makers of Typepad and Moveable Type blogging systems) are partnering together to offer Typepad bloggers the opportunity to run contextual ads to their site – and thereby add a revenue stream to their blogs. This is similar to what Blogger blogs can do with Adsense – ...more
Ad Networks for your Blog
7th of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Ad Networks for your Blog

I was just reading a thread over at SitePoint Forums on where someone ask which is the Best Ad Network? Someone answered with this list which I found really helpful. I’ve filled in the links of some of those mentioned. Tier 1: Tribal Fusion, Fast Click, Burst, 24/7 Real Media ...more
BlogAds: Is There Life after Nov. 2?
5th of November 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

BlogAds: Is There Life after Nov. 2?

‘The outfit, which sells ads on Web logs, has enjoyed this year’s burst of interest in political sites, but it needs a post-election plan…. ‘Copeland’s company sells ads to run on more than 500 blogs, including political specialists like InstaPundit and DailyKos. After Sept. 20, he says, business went through ...more
Blogs a good buy for Advertisers
30th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Blogs a good buy for Advertisers

‘Advertisers including Paramount Pictures, The Wall Street Journal, and The Gap are successfully reaching niche audiences for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising and a handful of bloggers are earning six-figure incomes from their blogs. Why aren’t more advertisers and bloggers getting together? Fear, ignorance and the knowledge ...more
The World of Contextual Advertising
26th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 1 Comment

The World of Contextual Advertising

Puneet Mehrotra has a good article introducing the The World of Contextual Advertising. He writes – ‘How much? Good question. I know of webpreneurs whose earnings range between $200 to $2,00,000 per month. Of course, it’s not child’s play. But no one said earning big bucks is a child’s play!…’ ...more
Micropayments and Blogging
15th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Micropayments and Blogging

When I was in my first year of high school I met a guy who would change my life – ok he didn’t really change it, but he taught me a lesson which I still use today in my pro-blogging. He taught me that if you aim small you can ...more
Blog Advertising – Fear and Ignorance Keep Media Buyers Away
15th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Blog Advertising – Fear and Ignorance Keep Media Buyers Away

Advertisers including Paramount Pictures, The Wall Street Journal, and The Gap are successfully reaching niche audiences for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising and a handful of bloggers are earning six-figure incomes from their blogs. Why aren’t more advertisers and bloggers getting together? Fear, ignorance and the knowledge ...more
The rise of Micropayments
12th of October 2004 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

The rise of Micropayments

Clickz has an interesting study into the rise of micropayments which might be of interest to some bloggers. My experience of blogging is that its hard to get much in the way of big payments in one’s income stream but that one way forward that many of us are exploring ...more