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Caption Contest: Win the ProBlogger Library of eBooks!

Posted By Darren Rowse 9th of June 2011 ProBlogger Site News 0 Comments

caption contest

Okay, time for a little light-hearted fun. Caption Contest!

This morning on Twitter (follow me @Problogger) we were sharing our most embarrassing moments as bloggers and I shared the above picture which appeared in newspapers across Australia.

When the article came out five years ago, it was one of my first. I was excited about the mainstream media mention and looked forward to showing family and friends to legitimize this crazy blogging business I was running. But the photo became the focus of the piece, and generated quite a few laughs.

When I shared it earlier today on Twitter the captions for it started coming in thick and fast, so I thought perhaps it’d be fun to open it up. What would you caption that picture?

I’ll choose my favorite submitted caption in 48 hours’ time, and send the winner a copy of the three existing ProBlogger ebooks, plus a copy of our new one, which will be released next week.

Enter up to five times to increase your chances of winning! To enter simply leave your caption in comments below.

PS: There was another version of the article with a different picture, featuring the same chair here.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. 1. Hmmm… Guess I need a second person for the Vulcan mind meld to work…
    2. Yellow walls and blue chair? What was I thinking?!
    3. Must. Find. Ibuprofen.
    4. This staring contest thing is *really* overrated.
    5. Phrenology is the BOMB!

  2. Alessandro Castelli says: 06/11/2011 at 12:00 am

    1) Unbelievable! I am a blogger!
    2) Stay focused on my picture, and you will see my third eye grow!
    3) WET PAINT!
    4) Ehm, is there someone else who knows my admin password? I’ve forgot it!
    5) A light blue chair for a blog honest & fair.

    Kind regards to all readers!

  3. 1. “Thinking Man for the Next Generation”
    2. “If I twist my head just right, perhaps it will just pop off.”
    3. “If I had pecs like Anthony Weiner, you’d be seeing a whole lot more of me.”
    4. “I can levitate this chair with the power of my mind. Really. I can.”
    5. “Does my head make this chair look big?”

  4. 1. Come on Darren, hold your head together!

    2. I do not have the attention span of a goldfish.

    3. That’s it! A collection of the worst blogs ever called AllBottom

  5. 1. I swear to God, if Brian Clark emails me one more time…
    2. It’s a little known fact that Darren has mad non-blinking skills.
    3. Just then the door crashed open and Magneto filled the opening, “Thought you could hide from me, eh, Charles!”
    4. Early in his career, Darren realized his first blog on Christmas drinks, ProNogger wasn’t going to take off.
    5. It was only after one viewing of Rebecca Black’s “Friday, Friday” video that Darren realized he NEVER was going to get that damn song out of his head.

  6. 1. Whispers to self: “Do you think they’ll notice my thumbs are really in my ears?”

    2. Regret this pose in 5 years? Never. Oh…Wait..

    3. Channeling Martin Lawrence in Bad Boys: Woosah…

    4. I make this cotton candy chair look good. Just sayin’.

    5. Calgon, take me away. But don’t tell anybody.

  7. Nazmul Alam says: 06/11/2011 at 5:49 am

    1.Oh my god, another raise in taxes? What I am gonna do? Release more E-books!

    2.Algorithm change? Again! Google is the beast! Called Panda.

    3.NASDAQ collapsed! What do I do?

    4.Why I started Problogger?

    5.Sexy! Isn’t it?

  8. The best posture for mind blogging a mind boggling blog post.

  9. avinash emmidi says: 06/11/2011 at 6:20 pm

    1)Oh!my head feels good after i have lost all my hair
    2)Should i start an other site?No way!i have had enough with the existing ones.

  10. 1. I’ve got so much knowledge that I think my brain will explode.
    2. I know I can levitate that apple and make it float over here.
    3. You can leave your hat on.
    4. Maybe I can use a Vulcan mind probe on myself.

  11. 1. Here the Chair, where is my hair?

    2. Oh My God! Give me my hair back by taking this Chair!

    3. So Many comments for single photo? How to Choose the winner?

  12. I fear getting drowned in the ocean of money that would enter into my house!

  13. I can feel your thoughts Logan. This is a school for gifted photographers like yourself. We can help you to properly harness your abilities so you may reach your full potential.

  14. Now, what was I thinking when I wrote that post?!

  15. Where’d my hair go?

  16. 1) If I just sit completely still, the children will think I’m part of the furniture.

    2) By holding my hands in this position, I can keep all the creativity IN! Muahahahaha

    3) Of course I know how to pose… I’m a photographer!

  17. -1- “Beautiful, baby, beautiful! Now give me crouching tiger!”

    -2- How ta speak AusTRA-lian: “Rouse.” Australian for blog.

    -3- “YouTube?? More like BOOOO-tube!”

    -4- Pro-Blogger… the other white meat

    -5- Got Comments?

  18. Was a winner chosen and announced? Just curious (and hopefuly that I won and just haven’t been notified yet =D)

  19. Darren after watching Scanners.

  20. Oops, that was just number 1.

    2. Alright Darren, you can handle this. This is why we have that shovel and bag of lime in the trunk.

    3. You can get carpal tunnel from massaging your own head!?.

    4. I just burned that house down? With a BLOG? What the hell?!

    5. This is the last thing a critic sees before he gets beaten to death with a keyboard.

  21. 1. Darren demonstrates Technique #42 in the new eBook “Generating Passive Income Through Innovative Sitting Positions”
    2. “Use the Force, Luke ..”

  22. So, who won the caption contest, Darren?

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