Arieanna is a Blogger for Hire – ‘I want to jump out into some new blogs. If you are thinking about starting up a corporate blog, I can help get it going or be your permanent blogger. If you are starting a blog network, ask me to join. If you have a multi-author blog and want some more writers, I’m here. If you have an event/conference needing exposure, I can blog it.’
I can vouch for her – she’s quality stuff so if you need in need of a ProBlogger she’s worth considering.
Thanks :)
I’ve already had a couple of emails. Good exposure.
And if you need an Italian blogger, here I am.
Hello, my name is Ryan, I am the owner creator of Peace2TheRest Custom T-shirt and accessories. We are in the production and construction phases of our company which is mostly e-sales driven. I am not a technically savvy person and am working on developing a serious blog to link to my myspace, facebook, 2 websites. I have never started a blog nor do I know what a blogger for hire is paid. However the dumbest question is always the unasked one. So I wanted to know if I wanted you or someone like you to start my blog and help me develop it along into a helpful tool and a minor income generator, what are the specifications of what you do and how much you charge to do it.
I am a 23 year old student/start up and am a english communications/ business administration major. Thank you for your time, consideration, and advice.