Translating Blogs
The Multi Lingual Blog (Blogos) has an interesting post examinging Translation in the Blogosphere. ‘Now that millions of individuals around the world are being empowered, if that’s the right expression, by blog software to file reports from sites that the news media cannot always reach, or expose and share their ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Why Blogs Can Boost Your Business
Blog for Fun and Profit (who has posted some good articles over the past month or so) has a good post on 5 Important Reasons Why Blogs Can Boost Your Business here is Reason 1: ‘Your Markets Are Getting Smarter, Faster, And More Organized With all the attention blogs and ...more
Business Blogging
The State of Blogging in America – Stats Released
The Pew Internet and American Life Project have announced study results into the state of American Blogging. Get the full PDF study here. Some of their results include: – 8 million American adults say they have created blogs (around 7% of the population); – blog readership jumped 58% in 2004 ...more
Blog News
Blogs go Mainstream…. Again
The BBC announces that Blogs are taking on the mainstream – ‘Web logs or blogs are everywhere, with at least an estimated five million on the web and that number is set to grow…. But this year the focus has been on blogs which cast a critical eye over news ...more
Blog News
Google PageRank Update Under Way
As we predicted a couple of weeks ago – it seems that Google is now doing a PageRank Update. As with the back link update a week or two back this will take a few days (a week or more some suggest) to settle down. Google have chosen to do ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Blog Herald Predictions for 2005
The Blog Herald have just predicted their Predictions for blogging in 2005 which make interesting reading (although the first three they admit they’ve been predicting for a couple of years now). Anyway – some of the predictions are quite relevant for those wanting to make money from blogging so they ...more
Pro Blogging News
The 2005 Business Blogging Awards
Jeremy and Darren over at Inside Blogging have decided to hold the very first ‘Business Blogging Awards‘ which is already causing some excitement on a number of business blogs that I saw on my rounds today. They are accepting nominations here until January 24 at which time a panel will ...more
Pro Blogging News
Favorite Pro Blogging Resources of 2004
Well it is New Years Eve here in Australia and I’ve been holed up in bed for the last few days with the flu. All I’ve really been able to do is a few short bursts of blogging and a lot of thinking about life, the past year and what ...more
Pro Blogging News
Message Cast – Live Message Alerts
I’m testing Live Message Alerts on this blog at the moment which enables you the reader to receive an alert every time I post new content. You can choose to be alerted either on you msn messenger, via email and/or to your mobile device. You have to have an MSN ...more
Blogging Tools and Services