The Importance of User Feedback
6th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

The Importance of User Feedback

Michael has a great tip on The Importance of User Feedback over at ‘In retrospect, the conclusions seem obvious: Assuming you want as much feedback as possible from readers, you should make it as easy as possible for them to reach you. You may need to experiment with different ...more
Blog Design
Jeremy C. Wright – Fired for Blogging
6th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Jeremy C. Wright – Fired for Blogging

Another blogger has joined the growing number who have been fired for blogging. Jeremy Wright of Ensight Was Just Fired for Blogging ‘divulging company secrets’. Its not a nice feeling – I’ve know a couple of bloggers who’ve been through the same thing – not nice at all. However in ...more
Pro Blogging News
Tsunami Imacts Blogging
6th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Tsunami Imacts Blogging

Guardian Unlimited has a good article on the impact that the Tsunami has had upon blogging titled – Blogs’ new place at the media table: ‘Blogs have, of course, been only a tiny part of the tsunami story. But the tsunami may have a profound effect on blogs. These self-published ...more
Pro Blogging News
Adsense/Adwords Changes are Coming – 1 Merchant ad per Page Rumored
6th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Adsense/Adwords Changes are Coming – 1 Merchant ad per Page Rumored

It is rumored that on January 12 there could be changes in the air for bloggers using Adsense. Actually the changes would start with Adwords (the other side of the Adsense coin). You see it seems that Advertisers using the program will be told tomorrow (or in the next few ...more
BlogKits BlogMatch Network
6th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

BlogKits BlogMatch Network

I’m interested in the launch of a new program that will attempt to match bloggers with adertisers – BlogKits. It seems to be what I’ve been suggesting is needed from what they write in their News Release: ‘“Until today, bloggers primarily embraced tools such as Google Adsense or Henry Copeland’s ...more
About Darren
6th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

About Darren

My name is Darren Rowse and I’m the guy behind ProBlogger. You can read a little more about my journey of blogging on the About ProBlogger page – but let me take a moment to give you a bit of glimpse at who I am. I’m a 43 year old ...more
Blog Revenue Streams
6th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

Blog Revenue Streams

ProBlogger is all about how to make a few dollars (or more than a few dollars) from your blog. Around 9 months after starting my first blog I began to experiment with a variety of income generating ideas that I suspected would be suitable for blogging. Over the past 18 ...more
ProBlogger Site News
26 Steps to 15,000 visitors a day
5th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

26 Steps to 15,000 visitors a day

Jon from Flamin Tiki has a great common sense article filled with useful tips on building up your blog titled 26 Steps to 15,000 visitors a day. I would second everything he writes – although would want to qualify that the 15,000 visitors per day promise depends a little o ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
SEO Scoop suggests that Google is in a state of chaos
5th of January 2005 Darren Rowse 0 Comments

SEO Scoop suggests that Google is in a state of chaos

SEO scoop notes what many of us have been suspecting for a while – that Google is in a state of chaos. I’m not sure I’d describe it as chaos – but the past month has seems some odd and unexplainable results including: – Search for the word “Yahoo” on ...more
Search Engine Optimization