How to Find Money Making Blog Ideas – Part 3
Coming up with creative and profitable Ideas for blogs sometimes feels more about luck than anything else. But in my experience there is a number of steps you can do to better your chances. This is the third and final part of a series on finding Money making blog ideas. ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Blogkits Announce 7 new Banner Ad Sizes
Blog Kits have just released 7 new sizes of banner advertising – designed specifically for bloggers. Whilst I’m surprised that they haven’t gone for some more standard sizes (eg 468 x 60) which would allow them to be used as alternative ads for Adsense, there are a few nice sized ...more
How to Find Money Making Blog Ideas – Part 2
More and more people are finding ways to make money from blogging but few pro bloggers are making their money from their personal, general themed blogs. In most cases it takes a blog either with a tight niche or fresh idea to make it big in the blogosphere – but ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
How to Find Money Making Blog Ideas – Part 1
Susannah linked up to my How to Research a Profitable Blog Topic post and writes: ‘What Darren doesn’t say is just how to come up with those money-making ideas. He’s clearly got the knack of latching onto current issues appropriate for blogs, but not everyone does.’ That got me wondering ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Interview with a link spammer
The Register has an interesting article today titled Interview with a link spammer that gives an insight into the mind and methods of one of the growing number of people that seek to use yours and my blogs for their own gain: ‘So how and why do “link spammers” – ...more
Pro Blogging News
The Rise of Business Blogging – ‘Listening’
Steve’s got a good article on The Rise of Business Blogging which ends with three good solid pieces of advice for those wanting to get into business blogging: ‘Step One – Listen: The best way to become acquainted with the power of blogs is to read them and see what ...more
Business Blogging
New Gawker Media Blogs Launch
Gawker Media today are releasing two new blogs (currently password protected but about to go live). They are Gridskipper, a travel related blog, and Lifehacker, a blog about software downloading and time saving. Both of these new blogs already have corporate sponsorship (Sony for Lifehacker and Cheaptickets for Gridskipper). MediaDailyNews ...more
Pro Blogging News
Making chunks of change from Blogging
There is a good basic article over at Emerging Technology – Discover Magazine about how people are making money from their blogs. Its a good summary of the emerging trend of bloggers to monetize their blogs and largely focuses upon the Adsense method and whilst most ProBloggers won’t learn much ...more
Pro Blogging News
How to Research a Profitable Blog Topic
A while back when I asked you what you’d like to ask professional bloggers in my upcoming interview series MM asked: ‘I want to know what kind of research they did before they jumpstart a new blog. How do they gauge the “marketability” or earning potential of a new topic?’ ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips