The importance of the Scoop in Blogging
This week is a very busy week for me. Both in my general life but also my blogging. In particularly the blogging side of things is pretty hectic as there is a trade show happening in Orlando where all the major digital camera manufacturers unveil their newest models for the ...more
Writing Content
Blog Design Matters
Last week I asked the question – ‘Does Blog design Matter?’ I asked it because my own blog’s redesign was just around the corner and I was interested in the impact it would have upon my blog. A number of people have asked me about the change and the impact ...more
Blog Design
How To Make Money With Your Blog Site
Robin Good has a good post on How To Make Money With Your Blog Site which outlines 13 or so ways that bloggers can make money from their blogging. His tips range from Google Adsense, to Amazon, to other advertising programs, to donations, through to premium content sponsorships and online ...more
Interview with Joel Johnson
I’m pleased to post the following interview with one of the bloggers that I’ve admired for some time – Joel Johnson the editor of the incredibly popular Gawker Media blog, Gizmodo. At the time of posting this interview Gizmodo averages 153,334 unique visitors per day and ranks third on Truth ...more
Pro Blogger Interviews
Should Google be the Blogosphere’s Ad Agency?
Jeff Jarvis has an interesting post titled Should Google be the citizens’ ad agency? where he questions whether Google is the best ‘ad agency’ for citizens media and writes: ‘But it makes me wonder whether we’re foolish letting Google be our ad sales agent. For Google undersells the value of ...more
Are Google paying out less to Adsense Publishers?
Om Malik has an interesting post looking at the record earnings that Google have been reporting (largely due to their earnings from Adwords) but the apparent decreases in payments that they are making to publishers. ‘Intrigued, I looked up some of the SEC filings and discovered that for past four ...more
ProBlogger Changes
Thank you to all the well wishers who have stopped by in the past 24 hours to check out the new home of ProBlogger. Many thanks to those of you who have already changed your links to our new URL and RSS feed. I was expecting to loose a certain ...more
ProBlogger Site News
Questions for ProBloggers
Are you starting, or thinking of starting, a commercial blog? Do you have a question that you’ve been trying to figure out around some of the topics of ProBlogging? Feel free to submit your question for ProBloggers in comments below and I’ll try to get back to you with an ...more
ProBlogger Site News
Ask Jeeves Buys Bloglines
Napsterization breaks the big news that Ask Jeeves is buying Bloglines! The news will be announced on Monday according to the report. This is pretty big news and is just another example of how blogging and RSS technology is making it to the mainstream. The interest will now be in ...more
Pro Blogging News