Blogging Creates ‘Experts’
I was speaking at a conference earlier today and was introduced by the host as: ‘Darren is one of the most famous bloggers on the internet and an expert in his field…’ As I listened to this introduction (and wondered how I’d be able to live up to it) two ...more
Pro Blogging News
Entrepreneurial Blog Consultant for Hire
Update: Due to a very high level of demand and other projects – I’m currently not taking on new consulting clients. Please feel free to ask after reading what I offer below – but please don’t be offended if I’m unable to take on your work at this point. I’m ...more
ProBlogger Site News
Search Engine Friendly URLs
I just stumbled upon this useful article on Search Engine Friendly URLs which is filled with wonderful tips on choosing the right URLs for your website. It isn’t written specifically for blogs but the information is useful to keep in mind when setting up the way in which your blog ...more
Search Engine Optimization
NY Times Buys into Blogging
The New York Times now own the largest blog network in the world. They have just agreed to pay $410 million for from Primedia Inc. in an all cash deal. Primedia bought in October of 2000 for $690 million in stock but had trouble in capitalizing upon the ...more
ProBlogger Site News
Adsense in Newsletters are Coming – Eventually
Jensense has some good news for bloggers who also use newsletters to keep in touch with their readers – sources within Google say that Google is looking to extend its offering of newsletter ads to smaller publishers as well as the larger ones that it currently is testing the program ...more
Why Adsense Doesn’t Work…For Everyone
Jim at BlogKits has a good article on why Google Adsense Doesn’t Work for all Bloggers. His argument is sound and his figures are good. He does a case study whereby he comes to the conclusion that a blog with 200 visitors per day with 1000 page views would earn ...more
Last In Text Link Auction
Paul has an interesting article on Harvesting his High Page Rank. He has a travel site with a page rank of 5 that he sells text links on. However he has a novel approach to how to determine which link is first in the list – he auctions the top ...more
Surfing the Wave after a Scoop
I love days like today. You get out of bed after a nice night’s sleep and the sun is shining, the birds are singing and you have a gem of a scoop waiting for you in your inbox from a reader of your blog giving you the story of the ...more
Pro Blogging News
WordPress 1.5 – Latest Stable Release
World Press users might like to upgrade to the latest stable release of WP 1.5.
Blogging Tools and Services