Launch Your Product Without Losing Your Mind
This guest post is by Krizia of the Blog Income for Women Blueprint. At the end of August 2010, my business partner and I made the decision to document the steps I had taken to turn a blog that was earning $20 per month in AdSense money into a $500-$5000-per-month ...more
Blogging for Dollars

7 Good Things that Blogging Brings
This guest post is by Arsene Hodali of The Good Life? | dancePROOF. Why should you blog? I can’t tell you. I don’t like telling people what to do, or why they should do something. Instead, I want to show you a couple of things that, through my own experiences ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Blogging: It’s All In the Family
This guest post is by Salman of CompuWorld. It was the second year of my graduation studies when my dad arranged for an always-on Internet connection at our place and I plunged into online chatting like never before. While I was busy living my fantasies online, my dad was busy ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Blog for Foreigners Without Getting Lost in Translation
This guest post is by Regina Scharf of Deep Brazil. Have you ever considered blogging in a language other than your own? You definitely should. One year ago, when I started Deep Brazil, a blog that shows aspects of my country that are seldom in the media, I had a ...more
Writing Content

An Update on the Tanzanian Blog Project: It’s Working!
It’s been almost a week now since I left home in Australia to visit Tanzania to see if it was possible to use blogging to give a voice to those who may not have one—more specifically, to people living with disabilities in developing countries. I spoke a little about the ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

A Blogging State of Mind
This guest post is by Ashley Ambirge of themiddlefingerproject.org. Blogging. Successful blogging. My own. Yours. If I could sum it up in three little words, they would be: Magazine Advertising Sales Wait, what? Magazine advertising sales? Yes—magazine advertising sales. You see, (insert voice of the narrator from The Princess Bride), ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Do You Have a Blogging Will?
Over the weekend I updated my Blogging Will. Perhaps it’s because life is changing for our family with baby #3 due in July, or perhaps it’s the trip to Tanzania I’m on this week, but one way or another I decided it was a good time to update the document ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Make a Blogging Business Plan … Whether or Not it’s a Business Blog
This guest post is by Kelly Watson of onewomanmarketing.com. Blogging can be a great hobby. But treat it like one, and you may not get the traffic and attention you want. Treat blogging like a business, however, with a detailed plan and scheduled check-ins, and you’ll see results in no ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Blogging for Dyslexic Readers
This guest post is by Varda Epstein of CogniBeat. Worldwide, about one in every ten people has dyslexia. In the U.S., Dr. Sally Shaywitz, a leading expert in the field, says that up to 20% of the U.S. population suffers from dyslexia. And yet, dyslexia is just one of any ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips