3 Tweaks that Helped Double My Blog Traffic Almost Overnight
This guest post is by Onibalusi Bamidele of YoungPrePro.com. Like you, I really love to get traffic to my blog, and I’ll do anything just to make sure my traffic increases. Recently, I made several changes to my blog that doubled my traffic almost overnight. The tips I’m about to give ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Bloggers Don’t Predict the Future
This guest post is by Chris Kahler of BloggerITUS.com. Unless you believe in your abilities to have prophetic visions, you likely can’t predict the future. As a blogger (or hopeful blogger), you need to realize that attempting to see what your future business has in store is a waste of ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Build a Thriving Blog by Being Yourself
This guest post is by Natalie Sisson of The Suitcase Entrepreneur. When you first start blogging it can be difficult to find your real voice. It can also be unnerving to put yourself out there and say what you really think. Like many blogger,s you probably try to be appropriate, ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Quit Your Job, Move to Paradise and Get Paid to Change the World
This guest post is by Jon Morrow of Smart Blogger (formerly Boost Blog Traffic) After all, that’s the dream, right? Forget the mansions and limousines and other trappings of Hollywood-style wealth. Sure, it would be nice, but for the most part, we bloggers are simpler souls with much kinder dreams. ...more
Featured Posts

5 Tornado Ingredients that’ll Ensure Your Next Post Turns Viral
This guest post is by Martyn Chamberlin of twohourblogger.com. You know what it’s like to blunder into an article that seizes your attention? I do mean seize. Not something that charms your gaze for thirty seconds, then falls apart. I mean something you are absolutely compelled to read. Don’t misunderstand ...more
Writing Content

Writing for You, and Why it Works to Draw Others to Your Blog
There’s one common thing about the four blogs that I run today—I started them all for myself. ProBlogger Blog Tips: When I started ProBlogger I was experimenting with the medium of blogging to make a living. I was already doing it to some extent, but I’d been looking for a ...more
Writing Content

Sign Up for CopyBlogger’s Authority Rules Conference Today (closes Tuesday 17th)
If you haven’t signed up for Copyblogger’s Authority Rules conference yet, you still can… but only until Tuesday May 17 at 5:00 PM Pacific (U.S.) time. What’s Authority Rules? You can think of it as an intensive 30-day “boot camp” for your online business. It’s all based on the business ...more
Pro Blogging News

Setting Personal and Professional Boundaries for Your Blog
This gust post is by Sarah Baron of of Anonymous8. Boundaries in blogging are more important than you can imagine, because they set the tone for your blogs and for your relationships on and off line. I never considered the concept of setting personal boundaries on a blog until a ...more
Writing Content

5 Ways Blogging Can Make You a Better Person
This guest post is by Jamie Martin of Steady Mom and Simple Homeschool. When I first began blogging over two years ago, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I started merely as a way to promote the book I had written and thought of it as ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips