3 Factors to Consider Before Starting a Blog – Maintaining Blogging Momentum
Originally posted by Darren Rowse, Updated for 2024 Starting a blog is an adventure—a journey I’ve embarked on more times than I can count. And along the way, I’ve learned a thing or two about what it takes to keep that momentum going. Today, I want to share some updated ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

How to Create a Sense of Anticipation on Your Blog
People read and then subscribe to blogs that they think will enhance their lives in some way in the future. Many bloggers create a sense of anticipation on a blog quite instinctively – but there are numerous things that you can do quite intentionally to create anticipation and increase the ...more
Blog Design

What do Gmail’s new Rules Mean for Bloggers?
This Guest Post is from email marketing expert Krystin Ruschman, owner of Email2Inbox. Gmail is implementing stricter email requirements for senders who send 5,000 or more messages per day. Maybe your mailing list isn’t quite at this volume yet, but bloggers with any size email list and/or just using Gmail ...more

How to Write Faster, Better Blog Posts: 4 Techniques Top Bloggers Use
Is it taking you ages to write blog posts? You’re not alone… Whether you’re new to blogging or you’ve been running your blog for a while, the time commitment can be really overwhelming. Just getting one post published each week can be a struggle, especially if you’re focused on producing ...more
Creating Content

The Power of Being Personal on Your Blog
Over the last few weeks I’ve been exploring principles that are evident in many successful blogs. So far we’ve looked at Listening, Trust, Usefulness and Community. Today I want to get personal with you and share a story with you. The Day I Was Jumped On By a Reader Once, ...more
Other Income Streams

The Importance of Building Community on Your Blog
Today’s principle in our series on successful blogging is all about building community on your blog. Let me share how I discovered that community was possible in the online space with a story: I discovered the power of online community on the very first day that I went online (I ...more
Build Community

The Importance of Being Useful
Have you ever stumbled upon a blog that felt like it was speaking directly to you, solving a problem you didn’t even know you had? That’s the power of “usefulness” in blogging, a concept that’s not just a philosophy for me, but the backbone of my approach to blogging and ...more
Build Community

Trust – Principles of Successful Blogging #2
Today I want to continue our series of posts looking at principles of building a successful blog by looking at the topic of “trust”. A fundamental principle in marketing and relationship building is that people tend to do business with individuals or companies they know, like, and trust. This is ...more
Build Community

Why Stories are an Effective Communication Tool for Your Blog
As I write this it is the last Tuesday morning of the month and I’m sitting in a local coffee shop going through my ‘end of the month routine‘. It involves a large lattè (everything else hinges on this) and some delving into my blogs metrics to see how they’ve ...more
Creating Content