Is It Time to Hit the Reset Button on Your Blog?
28th of June 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Is It Time to Hit the Reset Button on Your Blog?

This guest post is by Joseph of Blog Tweaks. Don’t worry, nearly every blogger knows the story. You’ve been writing for six months or more, but haven’t seen a significant increase in traffic. Some of your posts have have been successful, but the majority have gone unnoticed. Quite frankly, you’re ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
5 Reasons to Blog Anonymously (and 5 Reasons Not To)
28th of June 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

5 Reasons to Blog Anonymously (and 5 Reasons Not To)

This guest post is by Phil (not his real name) of somehighschoolblog. It used to be impossible to run a business anonymously. Sure, some authors could pull it off, but if you worked at an office, what were you supposed to do? Go to work with a bag over your ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
How to Use SEO Wisely for Long-term Profits
27th of June 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

How to Use SEO Wisely for Long-term Profits

This guest post is by Moon Hussain of Experiments in Passive Income. By now, we have all read about the basics of search engine optimization.  But despite knowing all the best practices, only a very few of us practice them.  I know this because shamefully, it was only recently I ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Finding the Rhythm of Blogging
27th of June 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Finding the Rhythm of Blogging

This guest post is by Stephanie Krishnan of I play the African drum: an instrument called the djembe. I’ve been playing it since 2005. Until last year I used to play it as often as four times a week with a local group. My husband requested that I reduce ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Guest Posting and The Panda Update: Is Guest Posting the Problem?
26th of June 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Guest Posting and The Panda Update: Is Guest Posting the Problem?

This guest post is by Philip Rudy of The recent Panda update has affected many websites, and not only the “content mills” of the Internet. Many bloggers are scrambling and wondering what they can do get their rankings back to where they were. Side note: If you feel you ...more
Search Engine Optimization
Why Your Next Post Should Be a Short One
25th of June 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Why Your Next Post Should Be a Short One

This guest post is by Martyn of Two Hour Blogger. It does not take long to write. It does not take long to read. It forces you to write efficiently. It increases the number of comments. It makes you stand out. It gets spread a lot. It builds your audience. ...more
Writing Content
From $0 to $1000 on a Blogspot Blog
25th of June 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

From $0 to $1000 on a Blogspot Blog

This guest post is by Sid of GeeksMakeMoney. It has been a year now since an eventful day when I was browsing the Internet and clicked on an advertisement that seemed an obvious scam: Get 90% off a new iPad. “Yeah, right,” I thought. But I wanted to check it ...more
Blogging for Dollars
The Intimidating Secret Every Blogger Shares
24th of June 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

The Intimidating Secret Every Blogger Shares

This guest post is by Jamie Harrop of BloggingZest. Like you, blogging often scares me and repeatedly takes me to a point of stale conversation and blocked fingertips. Tonight, I want to share my story with you; the story of how I admitted and overcame a fear so strong it ...more
Writing Content
Are Your Personal Stories Turning Readers Off?
24th of June 2011 Guest Blogger 0 Comments

Are Your Personal Stories Turning Readers Off?

This guest post is by Ali Luke of Aliventures. You’ve probably heard that you should put some of your personality into your blogging. And you know that stories are a great way to engage readers—to capture not just their attention, but their hearts as well. Perhaps some of your favorite ...more
Writing Content