The Best Reason to Start a Blog in 2021
The world needs YOU. Right now. We currently find ourselves in a crazy time with COVID-19 – all that is meaning for us in the world we’re living in, the effect on our lives this coming year and the unforeseeable changes for many years to come. With so many people ...more
5 Questions to Ask Before Quitting Your Blog
This post is based on episode 90 of the ProBlogger podcast. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve talked about two of the most important things you’ll ever do as an entrepreneur: starting, which is all about acting on your ideas rather than just thinking about them persisting, which is all ...more
Mindset + Motivation
Why You Should Keep Going with Your Blog
This post is based on episode 89 of the ProBlogger podcast. Last week I talked about ‘starting’, and why it’s the most important thing you’ll ever do as an entrepreneur. This week I’m going to talk about the second most important thing you’ll ever do as an entrepreneur. And like so many ...more
Mindset + Motivation
Why You Need to Make ‘Starting’ a Mindset
This post is based on episode 88 of the ProBlogger podcast. Whereabouts are you on your blogging journey? You may be the very beginning of your journey, and getting ready to create your first blog post. You might be a little further along, and thinking of taking the next step – ...more
Mindset + Motivation
8 Effective Ways to Wrap up Your Blog Posts
This post is based on episode 56 of the ProBlogger podcast. You’ve said everything you wanted to say in your post, and now it’s time to quickly wrap things up so you can hit ‘Publish’. Sound familiar? If it does, then you’re missing out on an opportunity to do even more ...more
Creating Content
7 Productivity Tips for Bloggers
This post is based on episode 40 of the ProBlogger podcast. Are you using your time productively? Chances are you’ve set yourself some goals as to what you’d like your blogging to be. But reaching that point is going to take time. And the less productive you are with the time ...more
Be Productive
Face Your Fears and Become a Better Blogger
This post is based on episode 54 of the ProBlogger podcast. This week I want to talk about fear. Not about eliminating it or ignoring it, but rather about recognising, harnessing and overcoming it so you can use it to your advantage. Whether you’re a blogger, podcaster, live streamer or ...more
Mindset + Motivation
13 Tips for Building Authority and Influence
This blog post is based on episode 235 of the ProBlogger podcast. Starting a new blog can be a bit of an uphill battle. You need to create lots of content, and then use that content to bring traffic to your site. But what’s even tougher is building authority and ...more
Strategy & Planning
The Best Way to Brand Your Blog
This post is based on episode 206 of the ProBlogger podcast. So you’re about to start a new blog. It might be first, or it might be one you’re setting up to try something new. And you’re just about to buy the domain name for it. But now you’re hesitating, because ...more
Strategy & Planning