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Blog Resolutions

Posted By Darren Rowse 26th of January 2006 Pro Blogging News 0 Comments

Evan Schaeffer posted a good list of blog resolutions back on 2 January that I only just spotted (via LexBlog). In it Evan gives 10 resolutions with quite a few good sub points under many of them. The only resolution I’d add to the list is ‘don’t post such a great post so early in the year when I’m on holidays!’. It’s well worth the read in full but here are his heading to give you a taster:

Resolution 1: Mix It Up
Resolution 2: Prove You Have a Personality
Resolution 3: Be a Better Writer
Resolution 4: Write for the Computer Screen
Resolution 5: Use Photos
Resolution 6: Don’t Be Obscure
Resolution 7: Build a Community
Resolution 8: Experiment with New Weblogging Ideas
Resolution 9: Don’t Let Your Weblog Make You Crazy
Resolution 10: Learn from Other Weblogs

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. Resolution 5: Use Photos
    I love it cos it work wonders..

  2. Thanks for sharing Evan’s post with your readers. You may have created the gold standard with your blog as to insight on blog publishing. Mentioning his post will cast the message to a wide audience.

  3. I really like points 1, 5, and 10. nice tips though!

  4. Thanks Darren! Yet another inspiring post. Keep it up.

    We’ve taken #2 (prove you have a personality) to heart with our most recent post:

    Take this poll or we’ll shoot this kitten

    We’re also applying #1 and #5, and pretending we’re doing #8.

  5. […] Ipears tiene este interesante post sobre la importancia de usar las keywords en los post slugs para que aparezcan en las URLs. Los post slugs son usados al crear un post para identificar la URL de ese post. Generalmente siempre tenemos en cuenta estos detalles para optimización SEO pero no para la optimización Adsense y a veces Adsense no utiliza las mismas técnicas ni los mismos recursos que utiliza el buscador para indexar y relevar contenido. Darren, vía del post anterior, también nos cuenta que en su experiencia, los meta tags, a pesar de que la creencia actual es que Google no los tiene en cuenta, también parecen tener impacto en los anuncios contextuales de Adsense adsense blogs publicidad […]

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