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Blog Hangover

Posted By Darren Rowse 15th of February 2005 ProBlogger Site News 0 Comments

Have you ever woken up with a blog hangover? This morning I did after staying up til the wee hours of the morning blogging on a couple of my blogs where there are US trade shows underway on the topics.

In the past 20 hours there have been 27 new Camera Phones announced and I suspect that tonight will see a few more added to that number. I think I might go and have a mid afternoon nap.

About Darren Rowse
Darren Rowse is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips and Digital Photography School. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  1. I was up 36 hours straight… So yes, I’ve had said hangover.

  2. This year again I was not looking forward to the huge hangovers that go along with the season. Also being suseptible to blog hangovers from staying up too late it can make the whole festive season seem like a complete blure.
    This year was differnet. I became edusated in the proper use of drinking water and the effects of dehydration on the body. A combination of alcohol, lack of sleep and dyhration all add up to scrambled brains.
    Yes, this year was very different. Still a little milky from the lack of sleep and alcohol intake, that third element was missing. Dehydration.
    Now, if you think that drinking a lot of water will handle this, well think again. You really need to be drinking the right type of water.
    Purified water, right?
    No. Even purified water has been stripped of the essential minerals needed to allow your body to truely hydrate and operate as it should. The secret is high alcoline, mineral enhanced water.
    To find out more, check out what the experts say at http://www.hughangover.com
    I have taken the test as as never before I am back on mt feet leaping into a great new year.

    Cheers, Mike King.

    Drop me a line anytime at mike@mikeking.ws or drop me a comment at http://hugehangover.blogspot.com

  3. Misspelled domain at the top.

    That is: http://www.hugehangover.com


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