Nicole Simon

Ads: You can show them later!
4th of July 2005 Nicole Simon 12 Comments

Ads: You can show them later!

Many blogs have two audiences, sometimes equally divided, sometimes not: The daily readers and the visitors through links and search engines. But most of us treat those visitors the same – presenting them the same layout, and the same amount advertisement. Why? If you analyze your earnings, you should see ...more
Can I (auto)discover you?
26th of June 2005 Nicole Simon 18 Comments

Can I (auto)discover you?

Is your blog set up properly that I can use one click subscription with it? As more and more people start using aggregators to follow their favorite blogs, many of them are using easy services like Bloglines or a tool build into their browser. Yesterday for example, Microsoft showed at ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
What do those Alexa rankings mean …
21st of June 2005 Nicole Simon 12 Comments

What do those Alexa rankings mean …

Have you ever showed off your Alexa rank? Or looked down at someone because their rank was not high enough from your point of view? Unless you really know what those numbers mean, you might want to think again, especially when you plan on acquiring a blog or a web ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Improve your typing skills
6th of June 2005 Nicole Simon 33 Comments

Improve your typing skills

Being a professional blogger means in most of the cases: publish content, targeted at your audience, structured, and well written. But the other part is: It has to be typed. And the more you want to publish, the more you have to type, and edit, and retype … If you ...more
Writing Content