Kimberly Turner

Blogosphere Trends + Using Infographics
Information graphics, or infographics as they are more often called, are a great way to convey complex information clearly and concisely. Infographics can be anything from annotated maps, timelines, flowcharts, graphs, Venn diagrams, size comparisons, charts, or data presented with snazzy typography to a gorgeous amalgamation of several of these ...more
Writing Content

10 Blogosphere Trends + 34 Handy Grammar Tips
Online retailer Zappos has recently seen a “substantial” increase in revenue after correcting the grammar and spelling of reviews on its site. The sentiment of the reviews was not changed, but New York University research has shown that well-written reviews—even negative ones—inspire confidence. Why does that matter? Because the same ...more
Pro Blogging News

Blogosphere Trends + Improving Readability
Hello again, fellow bloggers! Last month, we talked about how to find and interpret your blog’s readability score. If you weren’t happy with what you found, don’t worry: there are plenty of ways to improve readability and we’ll look at a few today. Some, such as using shorter sentences, may ...more
Blog Design

Blogosphere Trends + Readability Scoring
Do you know your blog’s readability score? If not, there are several ways to find out. But before you go calculating, let’s talk about why you should even care. For starters, the average American adult reads at a level between eighth and ninth grade, according to the National Adult Literacy ...more
Search Engine Optimization

Blogosphere Trends + Effective Calls to Action
You might be saying, “I’m a blogger, not a sales person. I create content. Why would I need to worry about calls to action?” But if you are, I’d encourage you to adjust your thinking. Making money from your blog, growing your business, and getting readers to interact will be ...more
Pro Blogging News

Blogosphere Trends + The Art of Live Blogging
Live-blogging—writing about an event as it happens rather than after the fact—can be a valuable resource for your readers, providing them with up-to-the-minute information about important events and making your blog the go-to destination for information on a developing story. It is also rife with perils: insufficient power supplies, spotty ...more
Pro Blogging News

Monthly Trends + How to Instantly Triple Your Post Ideas
For many bloggers, coming up with ideas for great posts is one of the biggest challenges. The good news is that if you have an idea for one post that will appeal to your readership, odds are, you have at least one more. How? By covering a story from a different angle. Every time you write a post, you determine the angle you’ll take—even if you’re not consciously doing so. Just like taking a photograph from a different angle can yield very different results (imagine a photo taken from the base of a large tree versus a photo from the top of the same tree versus a close-up shot of an individual leaf), covering a story from a different angle can give your readers a brand-new experience, even if you’ve covered a topic before.
Pro Blogging News

Monthly Trends + Resolutions for a Better Blog
Happy 2011! How’re the ole resolutions holding up so far? Have you stopped biting your nails, started a daily exercise regimen, and organized your closets yet? Me neither. Still, ’tis the season for new starts, and while you’re thinking about improving your health, your home, or your life balance, don’t forget about your blog. Make a resolution today to take your blog to the next level in 2011.
It’s the beginning of the month as well as the year so, as always, Regator has provided blogosphere trends for the month, and we’ll use posts about these popular stories to inspire you to make a vow to improve your blog in the New Year. (The most-most-blogged about stories for December 2010, in order, were: Christmas, Wikileaks, Tax Cuts, DADT/Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Tron, New Year’s Eve, Net Neutrality, Elizabeth Edwards, Oprah, and Michael Vick.) Let’s make some resolutions!
Pro Blogging News

Monthly Trends + 10 Tips for a Flawless Linking Strategy
To link or not to link—that is the question. What should you link to in your blog posts? How many outbound links should you have? When and why should you use links?
Blog News