
Ads: You can show them to guests only!
4th of July 2005 Jenstar 4 Comments

Ads: You can show them to guests only!

Posting a follow up to Nicole Simon’s Ads: You can post them later! I thought I would mention a common practice used by membership sites or other types of sites that require registration, such as message boards. You can easily show ads just to those who are not logged in, ...more
What in the World of AdSense
29th of June 2005 Jenstar 1 Comment

What in the World of AdSense

After a couple of non-eventful AdSense weeks earlier this month, the past week or so has seen plenty of new AdSense changes, many coinciding with the WebmasterWorld of Search Conference. First, Google AdSense engineers were in abundance at the “Meet the Engineers” evening that Google hosted. Set up at several ...more