Jeff Chandler

How To – Move From To
Moving a Blog from to is something I’ve had a lot of questions about – today Jeff Chandler shares tips on how to do it. Everyday it seems like I find a story or two from a cities local online newspaper which delves into the topic of blogging ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Save Time By Auto Filling Comment Forms
In this post Jeff Chandlerhighlights a cool tool for auto filling in comment forms on blogs. Ok Problogger faithful, I’m going to keep it short and sweet this week by telling you about a cool FireFox extension which is sure to save you some time in the long run. Generally, ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Easily Create Watermarks With Watermarktool
Those who dabble in photography or digital art work know the importance of watermarks. Watermarks consist of visible marks that appear on top of an image that can be identified by the source of the work. They are used to deter others from copying and reusing the image. Watermarks can ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

The Future Of Blogging – As They See It
In this post Jeff Chandler takes a look at the future of blogging. Every Wednesday, I publish a new interview on and as part of the interview process, there is one particular question which is asked to each individual that I interview which is “What Is The Future Of ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
![Is Your Blog Search Lijit [REVIEW]](
Is Your Blog Search Lijit [REVIEW]
Search on blogs is a relatively simple concept. You type in a few keywords related to a post and results are presented to you that are local to that blog. However, what if you could extend the functionality of the search function to go beyond your blog to cover the ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Tell A Friend Through A Widget
In this guest post Jeff Chandler reviews the TellaFriend Widget. In the ever increasing socialness of the web, everything from news to photos to videos are being shared. Outside of ShareThis, I’m not to familiar with other sites or services that are exclusively centered around sharing items across the web. ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
![Sphere – Show Your Readers Related Content [REVIEW]](
Sphere – Show Your Readers Related Content [REVIEW]
One of the tips that is often given by bloggers is that you should use some sort of service or plugin that shows related posts on your blog. Not only does this give readers something else to look at, it provides another way to make your blog sticky. This will ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Turn FireFox 3 Into A Blogging Toolbox
Today Jeff Chandler shares with us how FireFox 3 can be a great tool for bloggers. If there is one thing that sets FireFox apart from any other web browser, it would have to be the third party support in the form of themes and extensions. There are so many ...more
Blogging Tools and Services