Guest Blogger
6 Essential Twitter Tools to Find and Connect With Influencers
This is a guest contribution from Adam Connell, blogger at In the following post you’re going to discover a wide range of powerful and useful tools that will help you find and connect with the influencers on Twitter. There have been a lot of great posts here on ProBlogger, a few of ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Increase your SEO with Team Content Marketing!
This is a guest blog contribution from Matt Ganzak, founder of and Content marketing and SEO is getting more difficult. Each day, there are thousands of new domains purchased and thousands of new websites going online. Most new bloggers and content writers will get started with their site, ...more
Search Engine Optimization
The Truth about Food Blogging
This is a guest contribution by Amy Murnan, writer of TheFreshFresher. It is slim pickings in the world of food blogging. I know this because, about a year ago, I had a bright idea. I said to myself – hey, don’t worry about your lack of job prospects after graduating ...more
Writing Content
5 Intellectual Property Laws about the Internet Bloggers Need to Know
This is a guest contribution from JT Ripton, a Freelance writer from Tampa. Intellectual property law protects much of the content that you enjoy on the internet. Though you aren’t always required to pay to enjoy this content, that doesn’t make it free for all types of use. Since many ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips
Blog like Hemingway: 5 Writing Tips to Improve Your Blog
This is a guest contribution from Victoria Elizabeth, writer for the Ometria Blog. If Ernest Hemingway were around today, he would have made an excellent blogger. From online news sites to individual industry experts and straightforward enthusiasts, people are using blogs as a way to attract consumers to their goods, ...more
Writing Content
Branding your blog is difficult, or is it?
This is a guest contribution from Olivia Rose How much time have you spent on the branding of your blog? If you haven’t branded your blog, you may not realise what you’re missing out on. Branding a blog is extremely important but it is also a bit of a nebulous concept ...more
Blog Design
How To Stop Your WordPress Blog Getting Penalized For Duplicate Content
This is a guest contribution by Felipe Kurpiel, an internet marketer I came across this topic by accident. One day I was monitoring my analytics data I noticed a big drop on my traffic stats and I didn’t understand why. Actually, I had a hint because I was starting to interlink my ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
How I Stopped Waiting to Become a Writer, Quit My Job & Launched My Dream
This is a guest contribution from Jeff Goins of Goins, Writer. It took me six years to become a professional blogger. And four and a half of those years were spent waiting. For years, I read blogs, bought books, and watched videos about ordinary, everyday people making the colossal shift ...more
Case Studies
4 Tools for Creating a Bulletproof Idea Capture System
This is a guest contribution by Charles Cuninghame is a freelance content writer. Have you ever experienced the terrible frustration of remembering you’ve had a great idea for a blog post or e-book you’re writing, but not being able to remember exactly what the actual thought or idea was? ‘ Don’t ...more
Blogging Tools and Services