Guest Blogger

Alternablog: Videocast
This post has been submitted by regular contributor – Aaron Brazell The past few weeks, I’ve been running a mini-series about different kinds of blogging. The first entry in the series was about moblogging and the use of mobile technology to update and post to a blog. Last week, we ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Alternablog: Podcast
This post has been submitted by regular contributor – Aaron Brazell Recently, we began examining alternate forms of blogging. Mostly this is to stimulate thought on other methods of bringing content to the table. Last week it was mobile blogging, or moblogging. Another alternablog is the podcast. While podcast describes ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Alternablog: Mobile Blogging
This post has been submitted by regular contributor – Aaron Brazell For the most part, when people talk about blogging they are talking about a very conventional style of communication which describes what most of us are used to – a top-down, linear mostly text medium. While this is the ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Will You Reboot on May 1st?
This post has been submitted by regular contributor – Aaron Brazell There’s been an unofficial holiday on the web for the past 6 years or so. It’s called the May 1st reboot and it refers to the date that web designers have chosen as “spring cleaning” day. The day is ...more
Blog Design

Akismet for Moveable Type
This post has been submitted by regular contributor – Aaron Brazell Late last year, Automattic, the company behind WordPress, launched a brash new anti-spam product for blogs called Akismet. Of course, at the time of launch, I took the product to task but quickly changed my tune as I understood ...more
Blog Design

Humanity Still Trumps
This post has been submitted by regular contributor – Aaron Brazell I suppose this is somewhat of a tangent but if you bear with me, I believe this dovetails nicely with the focus of this blog. Last Friday, I went through one of the most terrifying situations a parent can ...more

Mark Pilgrim Gets Back in the Game
Mark Pilgrim is back. Mark Pilgrim was actually one of the early shapers of my philosophy on blogging and left me somewhat disappointed when he left the game a few years ago. It looks like he’s back though, based on his entertaining (as a parent) entry on bath time with ...more
Blog News

Blogs Are About Being Elite
There is nothing like a good controversy, and have I got controversy for you today. Since this is the first guest post while Darren is gone, it seems appropriate to make things necessarily volatile right from the start. The subject today is elitism and its place in blogging. You see, ...more
Search Engine Optimization

RSS vs. Atom: What’s the Big Deal?
Aaron Brazell is the author of and is a regular guest blogger at ProBlogger. Last month, I wrote an article here at ProBlogger in The Blogging for Beginners series introducing the concept of feeds. The article was Kick Your RSS: Jumping on the Syndication Bandwagon and it was received ...more