
More thoughts on defining blog (but much more intelligently put!)
18th of June 2005 flashlight 4 Comments

More thoughts on defining blog (but much more intelligently put!)

It seems my “I goofed” post, or rather my attempt to explain the difference between a web site and a blog has got some folks thinking. Taughnee at endeavor creative (do you have any idea how hard it is for a Canadian to spell endeavor? I spell in endeavOUr every ...more
Business Blogging
The difference between a website and a blog
16th of June 2005 flashlight 26 Comments

The difference between a website and a blog

This is not directly related to problogging as such, but it’s an insight we can probably all relate to. This is cross posted from The Blog Studio, making this an act of shameless self promotion. But its too good not to share, so I’m going against my better (sober) judgement ...more
Make yourself available
15th of June 2005 flashlight 10 Comments

Make yourself available

This may seem kind of obvious. But you’d be amazed at how difficult it is to get in touch with many business or pro bloggers. There have been a couple of instances where I’ve wanted to suggest stories to people I read, and I haven’t been able to get in ...more
Strategy for maximizing page views
11th of June 2005 flashlight 12 Comments

Strategy for maximizing page views

I was going to call this article tips for maximizing page views. But tips implies that what I suggest is going to work! These are merely thoughts and suggestions. I hope to encourage a bit of experiment and conversation with this post. Please use the comments and trackbacks to let ...more
Blog Design