Ellen Jackson

9th of May 2024 Ellen Jackson 74 Comments

5 Ways to Write Faster

Running a business is a time suck of epic proportion. Planning, administration, product development, sales, delivery, email, bookkeeping, social media, marketing. It takes time. Throw in a family and you flit from demand to crisis without a moment to reheat that cup of tea you made three hours ago. Your blog post – that important but ...more
Creating Content
Smash Your Blogging Goals
20th of October 2017 Ellen Jackson 14 Comments

How to Smash Your Blogging Goals in Just 5 Days

This post is by ProBlogger expert Ellen Jackson of Potential Psychology Have you ever uttered the phrase, ‘One day I’ll…’? Of course you have. We all have. One day I’ll schedule my social media One day I’ll improve my web site One day I’ll organise my images (a personal favourite) ...more
Mindset + Motivation
Understand your personality to blog better
1st of September 2017 Ellen Jackson 22 Comments

How to Harness Your Personality and Become a Better Blogger

This post comes to us courtesy of ProBlogger psychology expert Ellen Jackson Are you a scheduler? Or do you publish as you write? Do you delegate? Or is your need for the nitty-gritty too great? I’d love to be the writer with the annual content calendar, or the leader who ...more
Mindset + Motivation
Psychology of Comparison
28th of June 2017 Ellen Jackson 30 Comments

The Psychology of Comparison and How to Stop

By ProBlogger expert Ellen Jackson of Potential Psychology Bloggers, solopreneurs, consultants, writers, founders – we’re solo species. Lone hustlers,  tucked in cafe corners with laptops and lattes. We’re perched at breakfast bars tapping keyboards in the early morning light. Hunched at the spare room desk deep into the night. We’re ...more
Mindset + Motivation
Irresistible reading: Psychology’s 6 tip guide to great writing | ProBlogger
16th of March 2017 Ellen Jackson 46 Comments

Irresistible Reading: Psychology’s 6-Tip Guide to Great Writing

There is plenty of great advice around for creating compelling blog content. We read it, but knowing something and doing it are two different things. The missing link is often understanding the why. Why is great writing irresistible to your reader? And how to you do more of it? Here’s ...more
Writing Content
You have so many posts to write on your blog every year - but where will those ideas come from? How can we shake up our inspiration? | ProBlogger
8th of February 2017 Ellen Jackson 18 Comments

Where Will Your Great Ideas Come From?

By ProBlogger expert Ellen Jackson of Potential Psychology. I have big plans for 2017, blog-wise and business-wise. I bet you do too. My word for this year is ‘bigger.’ I’m going to think bigger, to play bigger. After a year of hard work and incremental improvement it’s time for a ...more
Writing Content
New to Blogging? Ditch the Fear of Judgement | ProBlogger
10th of November 2016 Ellen Jackson 21 Comments

New to Blogging? Ditch the Fear of Judgement

By ProBlogger psychology expert Ellen Jackson. You will become way less concerned with what people think of you when you realise how seldom they do. David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest. I wrote my first blog post two years ago, after a seven-year hiatus from writing. It was not an intentional ...more
Writing Content
7 Sanity Saving Tips for Launching Your Online Course | ProBlogger
4th of October 2016 Ellen Jackson 7 Comments

7 Sanity Saving Tips for Launching Your Online Course

This is a guest contribution from ProBlogger Expert Ellen Jackson of Potential Psychology If you are going through hell, keep going – Winston Churchill In December last year I hit publish and launched my first online course. I’d love to tell you that I sat and watched the dollar metre ...more
Other Income Streams
28th of July 2016 Ellen Jackson 12 Comments

Psychology’s Six Tips for Killer Confidence (and A Story About A Book)

By ProBlogger Expert Ellen Jackson. Believe you can and you’re half way there Theodore Roosevelt, allegedly. Once upon a time I decided to write and publish a book. I wasn’t a writer. I had no experience. I had no contacts in publishing. I had no idea really. I just really ...more
Be Productive