Darren Rowse
Random Blog Tips – Permalink Titles
This will be a quick tip – but a good one. Consider the making the titles of your blog posts Permalinks. You’ll see I’ve done this to my blog here at ProBlogger both on my main page (where you can click the title of each post to go to the ...more
Blog Design
What Software do Pro Bloggers need?
Migs Paraz asked me a question that I thought I’d open up for us all to have a go at answering. He writes: ‘I’m a software developer. What tools can I write to help probloggers to be more successful?’ So there’s a question for you. If you could have some ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Comparing Blogs to John Kerry – An issue of recognition
There has been a bit of commentary around the web this week about the statistics that 48% of Americans have never knowingly read a blog and that only 7% are regular readers. Whilst bloggers might be a little disappointed in such statistics I actually think that they are good. It ...more
Blog News
Gnomedex 5.0
Does anyone want to sponsor me to go to Gnomedex 5.0? I’d pay the entry fee but I think the flight to Seattle from Melbourne might be a bit of a killer.
Pro Blogging News
Adsense Publishers Meet with Google
Jen from Jensense writes a great post on an event that she was invited to speak at by Google about the Adsense program. The post is full of all kinds of great information not only on the event but on Adsense itself. I highly recommend you check it out for ...more
Random Blog Tips – Big Fish, Small Pond Blogging
I just checked my email and found three requests from readers to have a look over their blogs and offer some tips. I’m happy to do this from time to time for free – but am unable to do it individually for everyone in depth without having to charge a ...more
Writing Content
UCC blogads attracting widespread attention
One of the more interesting and controversial uses of the BlogAds system of blog advertising has been a campaign by the United Church of Christ. Today they’ve come out with some statistics that reveal the success of this campaign. One of the keys to their success is that they created ...more
Interview With Henry Copeland From Blogads
John Hawkins has a good interview with BlogAds owner – Henry Copeland over at A Mini-Interview With Henry Copeland From Blogads. Henry is always most insightful and a creative thinker that I respect so when I see him featured in this type of thing I always carefully read it from ...more
Poll: How Much Do You Earn From Adsense?
As some readers have already noticed – I’ve just added a poll to the sidebar which asks ‘Last month, how much did you make from Adsense?’ In the last update at Adsense Google have changed their rules to allow disclosure of monthly earnings so I thought it would be interesting ...more
ProBlogger Site News