Darren Rowse
Pope Blog Getting Attention
A month or two ago we started a blog to watch the the developments in the Vatican around the Pope who was suffering from terrible illness. With his continuing decline it has been amazing to be involved in a blog that tracks a life like his. I feel like I’ve ...more
Pro Blogging News
How Does Google Share with Adsense Publishers
Have you ever wondered how much of a cut Google takes from Adsense earnings and how much they give to publishers? Its an age old question that Google have never spoken publicly about. This doesn’t stop a lot of speculation on the topic every month or two in the numerous ...more
Eyetools seeks expressions of interest in “Community of Learning”
Greg over at Eyetools Research gave me a call on Skype a few weeks ago to talk to me about blogging, Adsense and his wonderful Eyetools Research which I was fascinated in. If you haven’t checked out Eyetools can i recommend you head over to his blog and have a ...more
Blog Design
Blogging Crushes – Get your Virtual Date Here
Do you have a Blogging Crush on another Blogger? Want to be set up on a ‘virtual date’? I’m not talking a romantic crush – I’m talking about an admiration, an obsession, a fascination with another blogger. You love what they do but you wonder if they even know you ...more
Pro Blogging News
10 DIY Blog platforms you may not have visited
Duncan over at the Blog Herald has a good post introducing readers to 10 DIY Blog platforms you may not have visited. The list he compiles is filled with some interesting blogging tools that you might want to check out if you’re looking to start a new blog.
Blogging Tools and Services
Hippy Shopper Launched
The team at Shiney Media in the UK have just launched another new Entrepreneurial blog – the Hippy Shopper – the UK’s first Green Consumer Blog. Their News Release announcing the blog describes it as follows: Published by the UK’s leading commercial weblog company, Shiny Media, and written by Stuff ...more
Case Studies
WordPress Website’s Search Engine Spam
WordPress have been coming under a little scrutiny in the past 24 hours by Waxy.org who have questioned their hosting of 120,000 articles on their site on a variety of topics provided by a third party on some high paying keywords. You can check out some examples of these pages ...more
Pro Blogging News
Easy Bake Weblogs meets ProBlogger
This time next week you’re invited to phone into listen to a conversation between myself and Andy from Easy Bake Weblogs. I’ve listened to a couple of his previous interviews and they are good value (lets hope I can be as insightful, witty and worth the time as his previous ...more
Pro Blogging News
Bloggers Adsense Earnings Poll Results
Learn more about the AdSense program My apologies to readers for the wacky results of the last poll (about how much people earned from Adsense) that I’ve been running the past few weeks – it seems someone hacked a way around voting more than once and voted 400 times across ...more