Darren Rowse
Guess the Blog Topic – Topic Revealed
The challenge was to Guess the Topic of the Blog simply by viewing the last month’s statistics. The guesses began honing in on the right answer almost immediately with two bloggers actually suggesting the right topic within hours of the competition starting. Congratulations to Jamie and PFBlog who both hit ...more
Case Studies
Blog Networks and How they Split the Cash
Fascinating article over at oir.org on how editorial lines are blurring as bloggers’ salaries are tied to traffic. I’m not sure how I missed it when it first came out – but I’m glad Duncan mentioned it. The article looks at a number of models that blog networks and multiple ...more
Pro Blogging News
Business Week Starts Blogging
Welcome to Blogging Business Week. Steve Rubel points to their new blog and and articlethey’re running on Blogs which certainly puts blogging in a favorable light.
Pro Blogging News
Adbrite and Feedster Announce Partnership over Blog Ads
It looks like Adbrite (an ad network) and Feedster (an RSS Search Engine) have decided to team up to provide ads to bloggers. They’ll be offering three options for running ads on your blog: Ads directly on your blog Ads in your RSS Feed Podcast Advertising (not available yet). It ...more
Feedburner Changes Ahead
In the comments of my previous post on the FeedBurner service Duncan, a representative of Feedburner, left the following comment which has a few interesting revelations in it for Feedburner users about upcoming features. Hi Darren, You can always tell if your FeedBurner feed is in synch and up to ...more
Blogging Tools and Services
Guess the Blog Topic
Ok – lets play a little game. Here is a stats graphic of a blog that I’ve been watching for a month or two now. Its the last month’s stats – pretty pattern (click to enlarge it). Can you guess what the blog is about? I’ll give a few hints ...more
Pro Blogging News
Firefox Adsense Notifier
If you are a Firefox user and run Adsense ads on your site you’ll probably want to try out the new Adsense Notifier extension which came out a day or two back which automatically checks your Adsense statistics for you throughout the day. I’ve installed it and it works well ...more
ProBlogger RSS Feeds
Thanks to those who’ve emailed and commented to let me know they’ve had problems with my feedburner RSS feed. I know that so many of you access this site via RSS that it concerns me that some of you are missing my many daily posts. Whilst feedburner provides me with ...more
ProBlogger Site News
FeedBurner Review – Work Boxers
Scrivs has just posted a review of the RSS Feed Management tool Feedburner. I’ve used it on two of my blogs for a few months now and have not really had any big problems with it. I love the stats feature which shows how many of your are accessing this ...more
Blogging Tools and Services