Darren Rowse
Premium Publishers Have Negotiation Power
Jensense has a good post about the benefits of being a premium publisher in Google’s Adsense program (premium publishers must have at least 20 million monthly impressions). She particularly pulls out a couple of quotes form the Webinar Transcript which indicate that premium publishers have the ability to negotiate revenue ...more
Google AdSense Optimization Webinar Transcript
Adsense publishers might be interested in reading this transcript of Google’s recent AdSense Optimization Webinar which was held a week or so ago by Google for their publishers. It’s pretty basic stuff but might trigger some ideas or remind more experienced bloggers of lessons that they’d forgotten. Here are a ...more
Helping Nellie
I don’t usually do this type of thing (although it’s sort of the second time this week), but a very good friend has pointed me to the blog of a young New Zealand person (Nellie) who has started a fundraising blog to help her get back into high-school so that ...more
Blog News
Should Bloggers Forget Adsense?
Jim at Reve News has learned the lesson that most bloggers writing about making money from blogs has learned – Adsense doesn’t pay well on these types of blogs. ‘On ReveNews that is. Let this be a lesson to the other publishers out there. Never try to run Adsense on ...more
High Search Engine Ranking – A Blessing and a Curse
One of the beauties of having a highly ranked site that is regularly visited by search engine bots is that you can very quickly rise to the top of search engines on a breaking news story. This can be a wonderful thing – but it can also be something of ...more
Pro Blogging News
Serial Blog Buyer on Valuing Blogs
Blogging Pro’s new owner (Jacob) has written a good post (in response to this one)on some of the factors that he, as a blog buyer, takes into consideration when valuing a blog to buy. Whilst current earnings is a factor for him he writes that Traffic levels are perhaps more ...more
Other Income Streams
New Bloggers Join ProBlogger Network
Paul over at Blog Logic announces that his network has a couple of new authors helping out on his blogging. This is great as over the past couple of months we were unsure if the network would continue – looks like things are on the up and up there. I ...more
ProBlogger Site News
Bots, Aggregation and Content Creation
There is a helpful post of Richard MacManus over at Read/Write Web that takes a balanced look at the topic of Bots and Content Creation / Aggregation. It’s a touchy subject for many bloggers who see some automated content creation systems (particularly those that aggregate RSS feeds) as a threat ...more
Pro Blogging News
Poor July Adsense Earnings
I’m interested to see today that there are a number of threads at Webmaster World’s forums that seem to be reporting poor earnings by Adsense publishers over the past few days. (for example here, here and here). These sorts of threads appear all year around of course but particularly at ...more