Darren Rowse

Six Figure Bloggers Becoming More Common
The latest Poll of the week has been up for 36 hours and has already had 549 responses (by the time this post goes live it’ll probably be closer to 600). The question is ‘Last Month, how much did you make from AdSense?‘ and the results so far are causing ...more

More AdSense Changes Announced
AdSense has added a few new features today in addition to their ‘Themed Ad Units‘. They have also made available a new feature called ‘custom reports to go’ which allows you to get your earnings reports sent to you via email instead of having to log into to look at ...more

FeedBurner Makes RSS Feeds More Interactive
Subscribers to my RSS feed will notice (hopefully) a few changes to how it looks today as I’m testing FeedBurner’s latest offering – a system called FeedFlare (press release) which gives publishers a few new interactive tools to show feed readers. FeedFlare gives publishers the opportunity to activate any or ...more

AdSense Adds Holiday Themed Ads
update: The 2005 Christmas themed ads are up and running. There’s a lot of talk going around in places where AdSense publishers hang out that they’ve just added ‘themed ads’ as a feature. This seems to be something they are rolling out to some publishers only at this stage – ...more

Tips for Writing Hardworking Posts – Part 1
Next in the 12 Days of Christmas Blog Tip Series is a post from hard working blogger (I keep losing track of how many blogs he writes on) John Evans who will write about Writing Hard Working Posts. This will be a 2 part mini-series with his second post coming ...more
Writing Content

Guess the Google Adsense Present and Win a Prize!
Talk has started in Adsense forums about whether Google will be sending presents to publishers this year. Last year they sent publishers (earning over a certain undisclosed amount) a ‘Google Glow Radio‘ like the one’s in the picture (left). Mine lasted on my desk a few weeks before I dropped ...more

Topix.net Gets Interactive
I was looking through my Bloglines feeds earlier today and checked out a Topix.net keyword search feed. As I did I noticed that they’d changed their logo on the feed so I clicked through to their site to find that they’ve done a redesign. The old crusty looking blue is ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

How to Rank Well in Google with Your Blog Matt Cutts Style
Performancing have a great interview with Google engneer and webmaster relations guy Matt Cutts where he talks about splogs, Adsense and ranking well in Google. It’s a really worthwhile article – especially his answer to a question about how bloggers could rank well in Google. I’ve broken his answer down ...more
Search Engine Optimization

2005 Holiday E-Shopping Exceeds Last Year’s
Nielsen/NetRatings have produced a report (PDF) that shows that this year’s online Holiday spending is up as much as 33% on this time last year. Clikz reports: ‘Books, music, and video combined are the fastest growing category, with a 238 percent increase over last year. Dougherty attributes the growth to ...more
Pro Blogging News