Darren Rowse

Buying Blogs – What to Look for
Here’s one I’ve been meaning to link up to for 24 hours now (I’m getting absent minded in my old age). Andy Hagans wrote a good post on his Blog Buying Checklist. It has a good list of things to consider and look for when looking to buy a blog ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

BlogKits Announces They’re Back…. Almost
Jim from BlogKits (a blog ad system that went on hiatus for the past few months) has just posted that BlogKits Is Back! and to expect an announcement on the system in the new year. It’ll be interesting to see what they’ve come up with – blog specific ad systems ...more

Duncan goes Pro
My fellow Aussie and b5media director Duncan Riley from the Blog Herald has just announced that he’s become a Problogger. While I think this was always his goal it’s come a little sooner than he expected by the seems of things having being told this week that he’s being ‘restructured’ ...more
Pro Blogging News

Kinja Relaunches
Kinja has relaunched. It’s a Gawker service that incorporates elements of an RSS reader with some other interesting web tools. In a sense it’s also a blog directory. I’ve never been a big user of it because I have other tools which do everything it does and to be honest ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

AdSense Begin Serving Themed Holiday Ads
Google AdSense have begun serving their special Holiday Ads to publishers who have elected to allow the themed ads to show on their sites. The only problem is that the designs don’t take into any consideration the designs that the publisher already had on their site. For example check out ...more

Clipmarks and Copyright
Has anyone ever heard of a site called Clipmarks? It’s a social bookmarking type site except they seem to give the full content of the pages being submitted. For instance here is a Clipmark of my 18 Lessons I have lernt about Blogging which has the full content of the ...more
Pro Blogging News

More ProBlogger ‘Summer Series’ Guest Posts Needed
I’ve had some great submissions to the Write for ProBlogger ‘Summer Series’ post of a day or two back. There is still a few spots left though if you want to join in. I’ll extend the deadline for another 12 or so hours if you need the time.
ProBlogger Site News

WordPress on Yahoo
Looks like Yahoo are opening up even more options for bloggers and are now offering WordPress on their hosting packages in addition to MT. Read what Matt has to say about it at the WordPress Development Blog › WordPress on Yahoo
Blogging Tools and Services

A Blog Award a Day….
It seems that at this time of year every second day brings another Blog Award. Today The Best of Blogs went live with yet another awards. Their categories are a bit more accessible to average bloggers than many awards and they are currently seeking nominations. The other awards I came ...more
Pro Blogging News