Darren Rowse

10 Things You Should Know about WordPress 2.0
Aaron Brazell is from Baltimore, Maryland and leverages his influence as a blogger at various blogs to develop his (sometimes) convoluted opinions. He writes about Web 2.0 topics at Emerging Earth and keeps a personal and political blog at Technosailor.com If you’ve been seriously blogging for any bit of time ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Darren Rowse Quits Blogging
I’ve had enough of blogging and I’m quitting… for a couple of weeks. Sorry – I couldn’t resist a little link whoring of my own. Yes it’s time for me to say farewell and to wish you all a Happy Christmas (substitute with the Holiday of the Season of your ...more
ProBlogger Site News

How to Make the Most of the Start of Year Quiet Patch on your Blog
The increased traffic and earnings that many Bloggers have had over the past few weeks in the lead up to Christmas yesterday and today has begun to slow for many bloggers. I’ve had a few emails and Instant Messaging conversations with concerned publishers asking if the slow down is ‘normal’. ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Best AdSense Resources of 2005 Poll
Eric is running another award/poll – this time it’s the Best AdSense Resources of 2005 Poll. The great thing about this poll is that you can make suggestions to other AdSense resources along the way. There’s not nearly enough votes in all categories so head over and have your say. ...more

WordPress 2.0 Nears Official Launch
WordPress 2.0 is almost ready to go live after it’s successful beta testing. The official release is set for December 26 (put back a couple of days to ensure there’s enough support due to the holidays). I’ve had a play with the beta and it’s looking good. Look out for ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

2006 Trend Predictions in Social Commerce
Interesting post over at Micro Persuasion on the topic of 2006 Trends to Watch Part II: Social Commerce where he makes the following prediction: ‘Watch for sites like Amazon, Froogle and Yahoo to develop turnkey stores that can be integrated into blogs. This will take affiliate programs to the next ...more
Blogging for Dollars

Do you Blog for any Blog Networks? – Poll of the Week
This week’s poll of the week (it could actually run for two weeks while I’m away) asks: ‘Do you Blog for any Blog Networks?’ I’ve just left two options for answers, yes and no. I’ll leave a definition of ‘Blog Networks’ up to you to define for yourself. I’m not ...more
Blog Networks

Chitika Earnings Poll Results
With the holidays fast approaching I thought I’d end this week’s poll of the week a couple of days early. The question this week asked how much readers earned from Chitika’s eMiniMalls. in October after auditing. The results (shown graphically below) illustrate very clearly that Chitika has a way to ...more

A Story about the Importance of Checking your Blog’s Stats
Robert Blum emailed me this morning to let me know of a post he’d just written titled Four Weeks Of Blogging where he took the idea of my 18 Lessons I Learnt Blogging and did his own version after 4 weeks of blogging. While Robert might not have been blogging ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips