Darren Rowse

ProBlogger Campfire anyone?
Gizmodo have invited their readers to a chat room using the BaseCamp Campfire service. Maybe we should do a ProBlogger chat from time to time. I’d advertise the time in advance and we could give it a go, toast some virtual marsmellows, have a sing along, smoke some cigars and ...more
ProBlogger Site News

Introduction to Making Money from Blogs
Blogging has undergone something of a revolution in the last 2 years on many fronts. The number of people blogging has exploded, the number of tools and services available for bloggers has risen (and their quality has been raised incredibly) and the profile of blogging in wider culture has increased ...more
Blogging for Dollars

More on Writing Content for your Blog
Much more could be written about writing effective blog posts – but rather than keep this series going for a month or two I’ll break my ‘granular post’ advice and make a few brief miscellaneous comments on writing content to help fill out the topic (with links for most to ...more
Writing Content

Basic HTML Tags
Most modern Blog Platforms come very well fitted out with formatting tools to help you to make your posts look and feel just the way you want them to. The way I describe blogging these days to people unsure whether they have what it takes is that if they have ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

YPN acknowledge Some Problems with Performance
Some YPN publishers are talking in forums that YPN’s performance has been pretty low over the last few days. YahooSarah (Yahoo’s rep at Digital Point) has responded in this thread by acknowledging the problems and writing: ‘Hi everyone, I received more information this morning, so I hope I can provide ...more
Yahoo Publishing Network

BlogBurst – Should You let them Syndicate your Content?
I’m seeing a bit of buzz around today about BlogBurst, a service that allows bloggers to submit their feeds to top tier news outlets (like Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle and Houston Chronicle) for republication/syndication. To use it you need to publish full RSS feeds, not have ads in your ...more
Pro Blogging News

Qumana – First Impression Review
Well rather than procrastinating I thought I’d download Qumana straight away and am writing this post from it as a first impression review. Downloading was simple (is it ever not on a Mac?) with the file only 8.7MB. Installation was a breeze as was configuring Qumana to blog to ProBlogger. ...more

Qumana Releases Version 3.0 Beta
I’ve been meaning to mention this for a few days but keep getting distracted but the desktop blog editor Qumana has been released in a version 3 beta. The good thing from my perspective is that version 3 is able to be used with Macs (something many other similar tools ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Scannable Content
Make Posts Scannable – One of lessons that I would advise all bloggers to get their minds about is that in addition to fact that the average web user doesn’t usually stay long on a web page – they also don’t read much of it As a result, scannable content ...more
Writing Content