Darren Rowse

Performancing Metrics – Statistics Package for Bloggers
Nick Wilson over at Performancing has just announced the coming of a new ‘metrics’ tool which they have been alpha testing over the past few months. I’ve been lucky enough to be one of the alpha testers of it and while I don’t think I’m allowed to say too much ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

endo – News Aggregator for Mac users
Adriaan Tijsseling, the guy behind the critically acclaimed ecto (the Apple version of the blog publishing tool) has today announced his latest product – a news aggregator for Mac users called endo. I’ve just downloaded it to try it for the 21 day trial period and so far I’m really ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Is Submitting Free Articles a Good Strategy for Blog Growth
Yaro has been doing an experiment to see whether writing article to submit to ‘free articles’ directories is a worthwhile way to build your blog (a strategy that quite a few bloggers use) His post is at The Verdict: Is Article Marketing Worth Your Time? The results don’t seem conclusive ...more
Writing Content

12 Tips for Increased AdSense Ad Relevancy
Pay per click advertising programs like AdSense, YPN and Chitika do rely heavily upon the positioning and design of their ads when it comes to performance – but another crucial aspect of them is ad relevancy. The principle is simple really – readers come to your blog in search of ...more

Google Analyst Day AdSense Slides
Derrick from Absolute Value has posted the content from slides from Google’s Eric Schmidt’s Analyst Day presentation which seemingly were posted by mistake on the web and that contained a load of information about many aspects of Google including a couple of slides on AdSense which I’ve included below. They ...more

Do Ugly Blogs Convert Better?
I’ve been meaning to link to and comment on Robert Scoble’s post on The role of anti-marketing design (or how ‘ugly’ designs often do better – especially with AdSense). He refers to ‘plentyofffish.com‘ as an example of one site that is reportedly making some big dollars from AdSense despite it’s ...more
Blog Design

Adsense Secrets Version 3 Released
Joel Comm has released yet another version of his AdSense Secrets e-book (aff). This latest version (v3) is 199 pages of content and has new pages that look at the latest updates released by AdSense since version 2. I’m yet to review this version but did review version 1 last ...more

Introduction to Advertising Optimization – Ad Design
Ad Design Another factor to consider with many advertising systems is the design that you’ll go with on your ads. While some ad systems do not let you customize the look and feel of your ads (ie many impression based ad systems like Fastclick) a growing number do allow you ...more

Six Apart Launches Business Blogging Tools
Six Apart (the creators of TypePad and Movable Type) have today announced two new business oriented blogging products – ‘TypePad Business Class’ (a hosted service aimed at companies with high-traffic Web sites) and ‘Movable Type Enterprise’. Their press release explains further: ‘According to Six Apart, TypePad Business Class offers advanced ...more
Blogging Tools and Services