Darren Rowse

Tangent – The Spider Monkey Trap
Regular readers of ProBlogger know that I enjoy a good tangent or analogy – here’s a good one from Cameron on spider monkeys and the lure of nuts. Update: Hmmm that didn’t quite come out right…
Pro Blogging News

Starting Multiple Blogs
One of the questions that I’m being asked quite a bit lately by bloggers who have been blogging for a while is whether it’s a wise thing to start multiple blogs and if so how should one manage it? It’s a good question and one that I have a few ...more
Miscellaneous Blog Tips

Speed Linking – 17 March 2006
Mark Nash asks (and answers) Why Should a Small Business Blog? Barry asks ‘How’re you doing with your AdSense ads?‘ and suggests 5 types of targets you might like to set for your AdSense earnings. Stephan Spencer has posted his Favorite 20 WordPress Plugins.
Pro Blogging News

I’m quite often teased by many of my readers for being follicly challenged – so I’ve been really looking forward to this moment when my balding blogging brothers can unite in a blog home of our own a Baldiness – a b5 blog about baldness written by Cory Aldrich. Actually ...more
Pro Blogging News

Tell your AdSense Story
The team at AdSense are looking for stories from publishers about how AdSense has impacted them. If you feel like telling your story head to their AdSense story telling page and have your say. If you allow it your story might even be featured as a future AdSense case study. ...more

Commonwealth Games Free Medal Table
Regan over at the Commonwealth Games Review blog (while I have some blogs at that domain I’m not involved in this one) has developed a Free Medal Table for the Games for bloggers to put on their websites. The top 10 medal winning countries will be updated automatically (expect to ...more
Blogging Tools and Services

Interview with Matt Jones of Random Shapes
There’s a great interview with teen blog network owner Matt Jones from Random Shapes over at The Blog Herald. I love reading the stories of (and meeting) young technological entrepreneurs. There’s something about the freshness of their ideas and ‘can do’ attitude that is so amazing. I think Matt’s one ...more
Blog Networks

Why You Shouldn’t Join a Blog Network
Having looked at some of the advantages of joining a blog network it’s only fair that we look at the flip side. Blog networks will not suit every blogger’s personality, style and goals and you should take into account the following before signing up for one: 1. Revenue Split – ...more
Blog Networks

Speed Linking – 15 March 2006
Lee Odden Interviews Aaron Wall of SEOBook and Threadwatch Jim Kukral has started the A-List Blogging Death Pool – who’s your tip? Eric Giguere says that the new AdSense wizard sucks Phil Sims tells us why he hates RSS Readers Barry Bell writes about Offline Blog Marketing Also ‘The 360’ ...more
Pro Blogging News